Truck purchase deductible on taxes?

Discussion in 'Trucker Taxes and Truck Financing' started by Brewcrew, Dec 21, 2024.

  1. Brewcrew

    Brewcrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2024
    Good evening all, new member here and have a question! I was thinking about taking a loan out of one of my 401k accounts to buy a truck, can you write that off on your taxes? It is a “loan” but to myself? I will be talking with my accountant this wk about it also. Thank you for any help.
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  3. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011

    Fill in the rest of the story.

    What are you doing now?

    I tell people this, never use money you can't afford to lose.

    Do not use retirement, do not use your home's equity or borrow against it.

    To answer your question, you can't write off the loan but you can write off the depreciation.

    If your accountant is worth any thing he/she will tell you alternatives.
  4. bad-luck

    bad-luck Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Baltimore, Maryland
    This is a question for an accountant. My accountant always tells me that you benefit more from writing off depreciation than you do in interest paid on a loan. Lastly, I hope you have work lined up and have gotten insurance quotes on the equipment you want to purchase. Lastly it's never a good idea to take money out of a retirement.
  5. ed4207

    ed4207 Bobtail Member

    Apr 22, 2006
    As I understand it you can borrow from your retirement to purchase whatever you want. The interest question I'm not sure. Would be a question for your accountant. Main thing if you did default on the note you would have to pay penalties plus income taxes on money borrowed.
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  6. BoostedTeg

    BoostedTeg Road Train Member

    Jun 2, 2008
    Boise ID
    I personally would never pull money out of retirement unless you are at the age where you won’t get hit with fees and penalties.
  7. Brewcrew

    Brewcrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2024
    What am I doing now?
    I am a company driver now, just ready to get in my own truck! I do understand about borrowing on retirement accounts I have done it before and would rather pay myself back the interest vs the banks. Just never borrowed for this type of situation.

    I have the cash to purchase the truck, but I don’t feel comfortable not having much cash left to operate on until my first settlement comes through.
    Oxbow, BoostedTeg and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  8. Brewcrew

    Brewcrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2024
    work lined up?
    Yes I’ve already talked with my company about leasing on with them as an owner op, they’re just waiting for me to purchase the truck.

    Ins quotes
    Yes I’ve got ins part all lined up for the purchase.

    Borrowing retirement
    Yes they say not to do it but I have done it before and has worked well for me!
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  9. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    You are kidding?
    Cash before your first settlement?

    look you need at least $70k in liquidity outside the truck itself, especially in this economic climate. We have a high capacity still, it needs another 15% gone before rates are going to go higher but I am seeing more and more marginal operators coming on and pushing rates down.
    TX2Day and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  10. Brewcrew

    Brewcrew Bobtail Member

    Oct 27, 2024
    That is correct!
    Rideandrepair Thanks this.
  11. JonJon78

    JonJon78 Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2018
    This entire idea is beyond nuts. Fund your trucking business with money from your retirement account while competing with your employers company trucks.

    Talk about a disaster in the making.
    TX2Day, Rideandrepair and Speedy356 Thank this.
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