Truckies’ Take: Permanent Bypass Plans – Yay or Nay?

Discussion in 'Questions To Truckers From The General Public' started by WesternStarLover99, Aug 9, 2024.

  1. Hey, I live in a small rural town down under. A while back, there was discussion of diverting trucks out of Main Street and through a different road further away from the densely populated area. This came up after a truck crashed into a café (no casualties). However, the proposal was denied due to a lack of signatures from the public.

    There were tons of mixed opinions. Some said trucks shouldn’t be on Main Street because they’re too noisy, damage the roads (they don’t, I don’t know why people keep saying this), and are a danger to pedestrians and the many drunken or less intelligent tourists we attract, thus also risking their own safety.

    Of course, some also disagreed, saying the trucks are a highlight of the town and charming to have around since they’ve been coming through here for years. They argued that the road they would be diverted onto has too high of a risk, considering it’s surrounded by family-owned housing where kids commonly play on the streets and paddocks, and that it inconveniences truckies.

    What is your take on the situation, as the one behind the wheel? :p

    Here’s a poorly drawn map of the roads just to get an idea (light grey lines are optional routes):

    Attached Files:

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  3. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    The drivers might appreciate it if it’s a more efficient way to get through there.
  4. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    Look at what happened to every U.S. business when a highway bypassed a small town.
    Oxbow Thanks this.
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