Tune down C15 MXS 625 to 550

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by Mac302, Nov 14, 2024.

  1. Mac302

    Mac302 Bobtail Member

    Nov 14, 2024
    I'm looking at a Pete 379 w/ a 625 C15 MXS. Engine is 10k hours out of a platinum rebuild, has roughly 1 million miles and 38k hours on it overall. I know it's a high miler but its only use would be hauling super-b on the farm, maybe 10,000 miles a year pulling 63.5 MT or 140,000 lbs. My thought to extend the life of a high time engine like that would be to tune it down to the 550 rating. Any thoughts on this, anyone done it? Thanks.
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  3. W923

    W923 Road Train Member

    Feb 28, 2022
    It’s only going to make as much power as your foot asks for if it’s set for 550 or 800
    Assuming you or another responsible driver is running it id leave it be
  4. little cat 500

    little cat 500 Road Train Member

    Jan 17, 2010
    Abbottstown PA
    turn it down a guy's going to run it harder to get the job done
  5. bjytech

    bjytech Light Load Member

    Nov 9, 2013
    Nothing wrong with keeping it at 625 imo, how it does it more on the driver, maintenance, and time than anything.
    If you would want to turn if back just note that you can't just have someone put a 550 tune in it. Being a factory 625 a 550 tune will actually turn the power up close to 15% due to the hard part changes the 625 had over the factory 435-550 engines.
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