USA Truck, Inc. - Van Buren, Ar.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by mykel58, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. mykel58

    mykel58 Bobtail Member

    Jun 28, 2006
    Just getting ready to call USA trucking company to meet my trainer.Does anyone have any thoughts on USA? So far they seem like a decent company.Yes I know they will work my ### of for the first year and I am ready for that.Any input?
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  3. littlebit

    littlebit Light Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    I worked for them for almost three years. I liked them. I had a really awesome dispathcher and that makes a world of difference. Good luck with your trainer and learn as much as you can. Make sure you ask lots of questions.
  4. vincent.dcn

    vincent.dcn Bobtail Member

    I'd like to hear more about this company as well...
  5. Hardrock

    Hardrock Bobtail Member

    Aug 8, 2006
    I live close to one of their major terminals (West Memphis, Arkansas). Always a lot of empty tractors sitting on their yard. I noticed they have been updating their fleet in recent years- adding more Freightliner Columbias to the IH Eagles they run.
  6. littlebit

    littlebit Light Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    They went on a major buying spree in the last few years. The last time I was in Van Buren There was a big lot of new International siting in a lot waiting to be moved to West Memphis.

    What exactly do you guys want to know? I adveraged 2900 miles a week. They are big on relaying loads so you don't have to sit so long. They do run in the northeast but you will not go into nyc. They have a local carrier that does that so you don't have to. You will be spending alot of time in the middle of the country. They have EZ pass and the Oklahoma pike pass. So those tolls are paid for. They do not pay for the Ohio or Indiana Toll roads. Their adverage lenghth of haul is a little over 800 miles.

    As far as the training. You will be out minimum 28 days. Then your trainer will bring you back to Van Buren Ar. You will take a road test and a logging test. If you pass those you will start orientation. Orientation lasts 4 days after that you go home. When you come back they will send you to get your truck.

    Just let me know if you have anymore questions. I'll try my best to answer them.
    Road2dreams Thanks this.
  7. mykel58

    mykel58 Bobtail Member

    Jun 28, 2006
    Thanks Littlebit,it sounds cut and dry.They seem like a decent company.I live in the midwest and was hoping for some runs out west,I'm sure that wouldn't be impossible to come by.
  8. littlebit

    littlebit Light Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    No it won't be. Before I left they picked up an account with Matel. They always have stuff going out to LA. They also have a big account with Goodyear. You might get lucky enough to take one of those loads out of Danville Va to Portland Or. Those were always fun after I delivered those I would pick up a load going straight to Boston.
  9. BigChuck

    BigChuck Bobtail Member

    Sep 5, 2006
    Well I'm off to Van Buren, Ar. for orientation with USA Truck. <-next week.
    Any words of wisdom? What to bring? What not to bring?:confused:
  10. Carolina Razorback

    Carolina Razorback Bobtail Member

    Sep 8, 2006
    Round O, SC
    In 12 years of driving, I have been to a few orientations, and would say take as little as you can. My list would include:
    cd radio
    my own pillow and blankets (you'll need them when your truck is assigned)
    clothes for at least two weeks
    road atlas
    work gloves
    a couple of phone cards, unless you have a cel
  11. Road Dog

    Road Dog Medium Load Member

    Aug 1, 2006
    Been to a couple of them.Most companies send you a list of what to bring.Good luck.
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