Wake up call to drivers considering a lease

Discussion in 'Truckers News' started by bad-luck, Nov 2, 2024.

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  2. Iamoverit

    Iamoverit Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2023
    These places will always be around no matter how bad they are because there is a never ending stream of people that have judgements against them taking too much of their check.

    Working on a 1099 gets all their money in their pocket before the courts or government take it from them.

    There's also the people who refuse to pay any taxes. The 1099 puts the power in their hands instead of a pencil pusher.

    I'm not advocating for these scumbag companies but there's plenty out there that have a use for them.
  3. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    At the end of the day it’s not the government’s job to protect people from themselves. Anyone who is smart with money has the means to get a truck if they want one. A broke person who thinks they can make more money doing a lease purchase will jump at the chance every time. Look at social media, there are YouTubers who have left and then gone back to Hurricane. There are YouTubers who have left Prime and gone right to another company and signed up for a new lease purchase.
  4. ATXCowboy

    ATXCowboy Light Load Member

    Jan 16, 2023
    this talks about lease purchases. Straight leases or walk away leases are different.
    broke down plumber Thanks this.
  5. jamespmack

    jamespmack Road Train Member

    Mar 25, 2014

    I'm not overly educated in this. What is the difference in lease purchase, vs walk away lease, or straight lease?

    I'm aware of a equipment lease.
    Rugerfan and broke down plumber Thank this.
  6. ATXCowboy

    ATXCowboy Light Load Member

    Jan 16, 2023
    a lease purchase is a complicated purchase agreement that I cannot even explain to you. It’s not something that I’d consider because it’s not straight forward in my opinion. A straight lease or lease is exactly that. And a walkaway lease is basically renting for x amount of time and walking away early if it doesn’t work for you.
    broke down plumber Thanks this.
  7. jamespmack

    jamespmack Road Train Member

    Mar 25, 2014

    How is walk away lease better than a lease purchase? Both have you enslaved to the company who dictates what freight you haul? If it paid well, why would they need to offer a walk away lease?
  8. ATXCowboy

    ATXCowboy Light Load Member

    Jan 16, 2023
    same reason why a lease on a non commercial vehicle is better for some folks. It’s a tool that helps achieve a particular goal.
  9. jamespmack

    jamespmack Road Train Member

    Mar 25, 2014
    Well you can never out work bad spending habits. Point is, a good W2 job in Trucking will produce more income than most lease to own situation. Your only helping the Trucking companies increase profit and lower thier liability. You become the tool for them.

    If less did this. Company and O/O would see increases. But lease operators again are the cheapest mode of transportation. The article even shows that.
    loudtom and Rugerfan Thank this.
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