Walmart here I come!

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by drozzer69, May 4, 2013.

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  1. grabberblue12

    grabberblue12 Medium Load Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    between here and there
    Day run bids still avail, only a few programs being eliminated not half. Part time drivers still get insurance just not family coverage. Loose your slot after 90 days of illness has always been the policy its the Gtm discretion to enforce it.

    Let's talk facts if you want to throw stuff out there. Only thing officially eliminated thus far is flws and pay cut for new hires which does not affect us.

    We will all know more in a few weeks. Most of the guys on here are fairly new guys that won't even be affected.
    WallyWife and Extreme4x4 Thank this.
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  3. grabberblue12

    grabberblue12 Medium Load Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    between here and there
    Not really
    WallyWife and Extreme4x4 Thank this.
  4. BackIsSore

    BackIsSore Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    All day bids are being eliminated. Our DC is losing all the set runs drivers would turn in a day. Those guys are going back to OTR with the rest of the fleet. Get your facts straight, it's happening company wide. Only thing that will remain are claims runs. We all heard the meetings and news. Everyone is aware of the big changes and the perks they're losing, otherwise drivers wouldn't be so upset and leaving in droves.

    Were you out on leave during October? Because your story is much different than everyone else. There's only a husband and wife here that may back you up, but they create multiple names on this page so they hold zero credit.
    foggy Thanks this.
  5. grabberblue12

    grabberblue12 Medium Load Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    between here and there
    Yes all set runs are gone correct.
    Not saying all but some dc will still have 12 hour day cab runs and and 12 hour nite cabs.they are not set runs but they go home every day. The format will vary from every DC. Also curious what big perks are we loosing?
    WallyWife and Extreme4x4 Thank this.
  6. RogerThat72

    RogerThat72 Road Train Member

    Jan 30, 2014
    I haven't heard anything at all to be honest. Nothing on paper at least. Well other then set runs.
    grabberblue12 Thanks this.
  7. grabberblue12

    grabberblue12 Medium Load Member

    Oct 9, 2012
    between here and there
    Exactly!! Thank you
  8. BackIsSore

    BackIsSore Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    I'd say having an assigned truck or a liberal time off schedule for one. A lot of guys who've been on those 3/2 7/7 etc don't seem to be very fond of going back to fulltime. A nice perk of working here that you'd be hard to find elsewhere. I could go on, but you've been here long enough to know what made this place special over others.
  9. BackIsSore

    BackIsSore Road Train Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    You just work for another OTR carrier after March.
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    In other words, those “fairly new guys” won’t even know what Walmart has taken away from drivers because they’ve never had it. It will be the new normal. Stockholm Syndrome at its finest....

    Is it really any wonder some big company management thinks the best senior drivers are demoralized ones? That way they’ll look elsewhere while young skulls full of mush wait in the wings to replace them.
    48Packard, foggy, haz-matguru and 4 others Thank this.
  11. FastEddieFelson

    FastEddieFelson Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2016
    Chicago, IL
    What's the date that your pto is paid out except for 10 days that roll over?
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