Will probably be signing on for a local/ home daily run out of Lewiston, Maine. Just asking questions; is anybody driving local only for Walmart?
Apparently, pay structure is similiar to regional, though miles are probably less. The pay structure on paper really doesn’t give a realistic answer to actual salary since it all depends mostly on miles driven, so I thought I’d ask some actual drivers with experience.
From what I understand, Lewiston is “ramping up” their fleet of local drivers to free up the regional drivers from doing local runs.
Walmart Local/Home Daily
Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by Lotsa Bellyfat, Sep 21, 2023.
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Unfortunately, Boston is considered "local" to that DC...look forward to a Boston turn & then a closer ME/NH run every day.
Lotsa Bellyfat Thanks this. -
archangelic peon Thanks this.
archangelic peon Thanks this.
I’ve been talking to some Walmart drivers that are telling me about how some things are run over there.
Example: You’re constantly being watched… and judged… by cameras everywhere, as at the stores, in the truck, and in fellow drivers trucks. Supposedly, each driver has a special button on their on board camera that they are highly encouraged to turn on and record fellow drivers if they see anything that might not be the ‘Walmart Way’.
Also, there are constant, mandatory meetings that all drivers must continually attend and, the kicker, each meeting begins with the Walmart Cheer… everyone must clap their hands, stomp their feet, and sing the Walmart anthem. God forbid that you are chosen to lead that cheer.
Another issue: when you return back to the DC after a hard day’s run, you may be selected, at random, to perform yet another DOT inspection with a team of selected Walmart stooges; don’t forget that there are 100 lugnuts on the unit or you will then have to attend a ‘remediation class’, accompanied by the Walmart Cheer of course.
Can anybody verify the above to be actual fact? I will admit that my “sources” did seem to be rather disgruntled gentlemen, to say the least.
I’d like to be as prepared as possible for if I do decide to make the move. -
Oh, and don't forget the safety guy who roams around following you. -
blacklabel Thanks this. -
In that case, I think I would go somewhere else.
BTW, are you serious about a safety guy following you around? -
Do you think all DC’s are like the one you work for? Reason I ask is that the former Walmart driver out of Lewiston, Me. that gave me the skinny regarding Walmart’s practices that I referred to in my previous post is a friend of mine and I don’t think that he would make this stuff up. -
I don't know if they still do it but the safety manager would go out on 'road observation' trips. You then may get a constructive criticism letter in your file or happily an 'atta boy' one.
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