Warning cr england

Discussion in 'CR England' started by dennisthemenace46, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. dennisthemenace46

    dennisthemenace46 Bobtail Member

    May 5, 2009
    Camden, Tn
    I started with thie company 5-11-09. Orientation was mostly about the lease program. To make it short and sweet it is not all that is said to be. Should have listened to all the #### before hand. I did lease and ran every load on time and every mile given. If you get a bad DM get ready to get a negative settlement. They will make sure they get what is thiers and the drivers is just outta luck. The comment was made to me by upper management when I resigned about leasing and to the effect that I did lease like I wasn't suppose to make money. Numerous times it was implied that I get the load there no matter what and when I resigned my DM made a comment about my last load about since i was leaving what did it matter how I got the load there. I will not run illegal and to me that was what they were implying. I had paperless logs and they are a joke also and the company is going 100% by the first of the year. Go in with your eyes open and don't get taken. BTW hometime lol what is that I missed a DRS. appt. after requesting home time and they failed to get me home for it. I know that there are alot of companies out there that are way better than CR ENGLAND....
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  3. He who is called I am

    He who is called I am Medium Load Member

    Dec 18, 2008
    Da U P Eh, Michigan
    Good luck to you from here on out. Your just one of the many.
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