wel companies, is this good company ????? bad company ????? are they getting miles ??? do they treat there drivers good ????
wel companies
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by wwfd1220, Mar 26, 2009.
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Spoke to Mark, one of their recruiters, today. A very pleasant guy who could do nothing for me. I live in MI. He said they are doing limited hiring from around their facilities. Since you are in WI you stand a better chance than I did.
i got a pre hire wit them but cant find any info. so if any1 out there drive for them or (RECENTLY) drove for them let me know about they equipment, miles, and miles and um how many miles yall gettin lol but fa real just let me know thanks for all input
Ever find out anything on them? Mind if I ask what they offered? I assume it was less than 30cpm otherwise you would have taken it. My brother was just inquiring about them.
well i didnt get any info on them so i choose them over kllm,shaffer,arrow,and ct transportation so i will be starting on aug 10th and ill keep everyone posted and how orientation and training goes wish me luck and maybe ill have enuff info to post about Wel Companies
they pay plan is good for me the first 6 months 30 cents then at 6months its 35 then after a year 40 cents in 1 year they have pretty good equipment i seen a few at a truckstop
xllxmrjohnxllx Thanks this. -
Keep us informed i am realy looking into them to..They run in my area alot and seem like a good company..Keep us updated and be safe..
xllxmrjohnxllx Thanks this. -
no problem i start mon so ill let u know
xllxmrjohnxllx Thanks this. -
Well to start off they got me a plane ticket out of orlando instead of me ridin the bus so that's 1 good thang they did for me. The training pay leaves a little to be desired, its 325 for 3weeks then 375 for the last 3weeks. But I didn't get on wit them for their training pay. Well im at the airport waitin on a plane frm st paul min. To green bay so I will let u all know about the hotel and such
Well to start off hotel was clean. The only downfall is that the only places to eat are mcdonalds, subway, and tony romas. Their are 11 of us in class and im the only 1 that's a student driver. And everybody has their own room no sharing. Physicals was first thing in the morning and only 2 guys had high b/p but they get it checked again in the mornin. The orientation was lots of paperwork. Sum info on them is after student drivers are paid 30 cents a mile for the first 6 mo then the next 6 mo is 35 then at a year it 40 cents. They also pay $50 for the 6 holidays. And they pay $75 after the first 24hrs for layover and detention which they're are stricted about is $12hr if billed to the customer after 2hrs and $12hr after 3hrs if Wel is charged. New York pay is $75 if u go there. All trucks are governed at 65 but if u want 2.5 cents extra on your pay then u can have it at 60mph and if u want .75 cents then have it set at 62 so u have options of having a slower truck and a little pay increase. They have a uniform policy and its just sum nice Wel polo shirts. Hometime is min 2 weeks with 2days off. But if u wanna roll u can stay out aslong as u want but u only get a max of 5 consecutive days off. So basiclly 3wks 3days 4wks 4 days etc up to 5 days. Fuel stops are everywhere. Miles I talk to sum current drivers and they get 2300-3300 but u can tell who was gettin more or less. Any ?s let me know
hammerjammer1958, gnavillus, xllxmrjohnxllx and 1 other person Thank this.
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