Werner Company Driver Benefits questions

Discussion in 'Werner' started by OkieDokie405, Jan 19, 2025.

  1. OkieDokie405

    OkieDokie405 Bobtail Member

    May 5, 2024
    I know the for sure way to get these answers is to call a recruiter but I am not wanting to do that yet. My hope is that an active Werner Company driver will know and can confirm what I have scrounged up without calling a recruiter
    1. What company is your health insurance through? I can only find vague references to Blue Cross Blue Shield, is that true?
    2. Is your medical insurance a HMO or a PPO or your pick which one? I can only find PPO or HDHP, nothing about a HMO, is that true?
    3. Is there a FSA or HSA? FSA only for the HDHP plan, cant find anything on HSA.
    4. Is there Dental insurance? YES according to what I can find.
    5. Is there Vision Insurance? YES according to what I can find.
    6. Is there Life Insurance? YES according to what I can find.
    7. Is there a 401k? YES according to what I can find.
    8. If there is a 401k is there a company match and if so what is the percent cap? 6% from what i can find.
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