Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Werner is a very unethical company and dangerous to drivers who want to maintain a clean MVR. Their Safety Dept. actually confirmed their dispatchers are trained to coerce their truckers to drive against federal regulations and in unsafe conditions. Dispatchers are paid commission on load deliveries. Dispatchers are trained to coerce impossible ETA’s that are against their own company policies and without consideration of highway road construction, night driving and limitations and hazards that truck drivers must avoid daily and frequently result in later and more realistic ETA’s. Werner business ethics main concern is coercing all liability against the driver to permit the release of liability from dispatchers and other company departments. It is the truck driver’s DOT and federal liability when dispatchers prohibit truck repair time and compliance with the 14, 11 and 10 hour rules. Dispatchers actually want drivers to get tickets and DOT violations because it releases the dispatchers from company liability when coercing the driver beyond legal limits (although it might hurt Werner’s CSA standing when their drivers get tickets, Werner doesn’t care. When the dispatchers coerce the drivers, the drivers are forced to drive when they are tired and without consideration of federal laws that actually protect drivers and their own lives or the lives of others). The dispatchers will prevent the drivers from home time (medical authorized and agreed leave of absence) because they want to make commission without regard of the truck driver’s health or safety issues. Werner dispatchers are dangerous to a truck drivers CDL-A status and are trained to plan accidents and damages to the drivers by coercion and pressure. C.R. England requires their drivers to lease trucks. Werner doesn’t require their drivers to lease trucks; but, Werner simply pays much less then C.R. England. Both C.R. England and Werner result in a direct loss of income to the driver and further increase the liability to a driver….both are very unethical and dangerous companies. Comparatively, J.B. Hunt is much more ethical and honest. It would be lawful, if Werner is in court within the terms of a Class Action A lawsuit very soon.
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  3. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    While speaking of legal terms.. have you ever heard of libel?
  4. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    Interesting read. I wonder how much of this is true. It sounds like it's written by a lawyer and not a driver. I'm guessing this is a hit and run post; the OP will never return to field questions. That said, with all of the negative information I keep reading about Werner, I'm being cautious by at least covering the service brake while on my job hunt for my first company driving position.
  5. Starchdoggy

    Starchdoggy Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Can you show some evidence them wanting you to get DOT violations and tickets?

    I am sure that all you typed made perfect sense in your head as you typed it, but I am unable to make much of sense out of what you say here. I am guessing that you have had a bad experience with both Werner and CR England and that you may now be working for JB Hunt.

    I worked for Werner for over four years and yes they have a lot of issues, and I doubt I will ever work there again. I will say though that in my experience I never experienced dispatchers that wanted you to get tickets or violations. I was never forced to do anything and did lose money over not driving due to the truck needing work done. If the truck needed work to the point it was unsafe, I would not drive it. I won't do it for the company I work for now either.

    Sorry to hear about your poor experience and hope you find something that works for you.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  6. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Qualcomm messages and logs can be subpoenaed as evidence and documentation in a claim against Werner. The advantage load planners and dispatchers have when the driver has tickets and/or DOT violations; is that they (the dispatchers or load planners) won't be held accountable or responsible for coercing the driver in unsafe conditions. If the driver has tickets; it doesn't matter that the driver was pressured or pushed beyond federal regulations by dispatchers or load planners. The driver is always going to be at fault, if the driver has tickets or DOT violations. Ultimately, it is the drivers decision. I do not have any DOT violations or tickets; however, similar to you, I refused to drive my vehicle when it was unsafe. I documented the changed ETA's for deliveries by completing the correct MACROS. In my Qualcomm documentation, the dispatcher or planner did not want to permit repairs, even though vehicle repairs did prove to be necessary. The dispatchers or load planners simply expected me to forego necessary vehicle repairs and tried to force me to drive in unsafe conditions to meet a preassigned ETA which was unrealistic. Furthermore, (and an area of extreme liability for Werner) is the fact I provided a medical leave of absence that was approved 2 weeks before the medical appt. occurred. An exact date for a leave of absence request cannot always be guaranteed because of freight movement; however, I would have driven directly passed my home terminal location and the dispatchers refused to acknowledge my medical authorized time-off.

    I am not a lawyer. I am trying to be a truck driver.

    I am not a lawyer; however, I do understand liability issues. I have managed employment law and other areas of law as a legal assistant (paralegal).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2012
  7. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    Then simply learn the regulations that guide and protect you, grow a spine and learn the word "NO". The regulations protect YOU and if you stand up and can give a valid reason why something cannot be done, then the story ends there.
    Kit76, EagerBeaver and fancypants Thank this.
  8. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    If the truth hurts you, it's because you are part of the problem. I am not libel for posting the truth about Werner.

    Yes....the story ends there...because Werner wastes their drivers time and money......and attempts to place their driver's at extreme risks of liability.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2012
  9. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    Doesn't hurt me at all.. I eagerly await the next installment of why the next 4, 5 or even 20 companies are evil and you've been victimized by...
  10. Blowout

    Blowout Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    I worked for Werner myself. I had to start somewhere. I don't recall ever being manipulated to violate DOT regulations. As a matter of fact, I received so many fleetwide safety messages on the comm, I wanted to rip the thing from the dashboard and toss it out the window.

    Now having said that, they are one jacked up outfit. I could seriously write a five-page essay on the nonsense I experienced with them. At their core, they are simply a gigantic training company. They very well know the odds of a new guy staying past one year is slim to none. They hope for one of two things: Either you leave before they have to increase your pay, or better yet, you stay long enough to become a trainer so their time of loads doubles because now you are teaming. Don't think for a second that they lose out if you leave either. Ever wonder why companies like these take in so many students every week?
  11. Starchdoggy

    Starchdoggy Light Load Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Yes I am sure they can be.

    The driver is always going to be at fault even if he or she does not have tickets or violations. Unless you have video of a planner or dispatcher holding a gun to your head telling you to drive, you will not prove they forced you to do anything. You may show where they pressured you via messages, phone conversations or however you wish, but the choice to cave to the pressure is yours.

    Pretty much sums it up.

    If you chose to not drive due to unsafe equipment, I commend you for your actions. Sorry you did not get to your medical appointment. I guess if you really want to you can sue them over any of it, I am sure you can find a lawyer somewhere that would be happy to sue them.
    FCW9 and SkyDriver Thank this.
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