Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. jimsreport

    jimsreport Bobtail Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    It gets worse. Try driving up a one lane mountain pass, only to see the decline is a cliff....and you've got Hazmat non-baffled petro. MY DISPATCHER GAVE THE WRONG DIRECTIONS !!!!
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  3. bullhaulerswife

    bullhaulerswife Forum Leader/Admin Staff Member Administrator

    Jul 23, 2007
    We need to keep the UNION talk out of the open forum. Anything union related is to be discussed in the political section of the site now.
    formertaxidriver and 48Packard Thank this.
  4. 48Packard

    48Packard Ol' Two-stop Shag!

    Apr 19, 2009
    Could be anywhere
    I think you missed the joke, but that's OK...I'm a fan too...and I'm also a SoCal native!
  5. SkyDriver

    SkyDriver Bobtail Member

    Aug 8, 2012
    South California
    Ok, agreed. Sorry didn't know.
  6. SkyDriver

    SkyDriver Bobtail Member

    Aug 8, 2012
    South California
    No worries 48Packard, nice ride. I have lived most of my life in CA, but I was born in WA and came here at the tender age of one and a half. Been here ever since.
  7. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    OK...no more Union discussion here. I respect this forum. The economy is hard and being unemployed requires USA citizens to re-assess their job skills and opportunities, which is why I went to a CDL-A school. I went to a good school and my teachers were war-torn weathered veterans of the truck driving profession. I had good teachers. When I realized the corrupt side of the industry, I was already out on the road and a solo driver for Werner. While out on the road, I had to stop thinking about Werner as a serious employer and really just think of it as a "research project" or "investigation project." Unfortunately, the comments I reported in the truckers report forum are very factual. I would have been homeless, if I continued working for Werner after another 3-6 months. It's risky. Gra-Gar, Inc. is the outsourced truck diesel repair mechanic department at Werner. (My CDL-A teachers from my school taught me basic diesel mechanics). Gra-Gar, Inc. hires mostly 10.00 an hour amateur mechanics that are inexperienced and not very competent. When I was issued my truck, it had not been inspected or cleaned and definitely needed repairs. My home terminal Gra-Gar mechanics were unable to complete necessary repairs. So, I got out on the road and when I was in another city, I sent a MACROS through the E-Log system (Qualcomm) scheduling my truck for a DOT inspection. I had most of the repairs completed in another city at a TA....(and to follow federal guidelines, my dispatchers HAD to approve the inspection and most of the repairs). Werner's not good, but Werner will offer the opportunity for new or returning drivers to achieve OTR experience; however....in numerous ways, Werner as a company benefits at the expense of their drivers good reputations. From talking with other drivers who had been employed with Werner for 18-24 months, I confirmed a very big concern of mine.......that future employers were discouraged and did not want to consider resumes or applicants from Werner (because Werner is a known disreputable company). I know how difficult it is to get a job....please be cautious with Werner...especially if you drive solo. It's not the drivers, per se, that are the risk...it's Werner's methods of business that put drivers at risk.
  8. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    I think back in the 1950's Werner started as an honest company; however, through the past several decades, somehow the management became corrupt and the original owners lost control of their enterprise. I think there are good people in the business; however, the corporate intentions have developed in a very corrupt manner.
  9. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Unfortunately, the problems I've mentioned in this forum are standardized practice in trucking companies that are corrupt. (i.e. examples: C.R. England and Werner, the difficulties are clearly and noticeably company-wide.) The problems and difficulties discussed in this forum are not vague or ambiguous. It is not isolated to only one region or one person. Drivers know these problems are not irregular or occasional; but, in fact, actually occur due to planned business methods. To cut corporate business expenses, the standard corrupt practice is "do not pay for truck repairs" or, reduce labor costs and "get out of" paying drivers income. Unfortunately, my documented experiences with Werner are common.
  10. mikeoklahoma

    mikeoklahoma Bobtail Member

    Aug 6, 2012
    My Dad said if we want it, its a class action a. we should all start talking. next 2 days i'm close by lebec i-5, ca...there's the petro we can meet at.
  11. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Yes, it definitely can pass the criteria for a "Class Action A." I won't be able to meet at the Lebec Petro; but contact other drivers on your CB about it.
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