Werner Enterprises, Inc. - Omaha, Ne.

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by lj, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Yeah, that's pretty disturbing.
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  3. Roco

    Roco Bobtail Member

    Apr 15, 2006
    Werner let drivers clean up.. :(
  4. wisconsin_country

    wisconsin_country Bobtail Member

    Apr 25, 2006
    SE Wisconsin
    4 days without a shower is inexcusable. If you driver for a company or you are an O/O, you are a representative to the customers and 4 days without a shower is disgusting! Would you buy insurance from a person that looked like they were homeless?? I doubt it....
  5. Redneck

    Redneck BANNED

    Dec 5, 2005
    This along with having to go 4 day's without a shower.........Man what is this world comming to?
    There is no excuse for not cleaning up after messing on yourself!

    4 days without a shower with 1 person would be bad but 2 people is insane, man I bet you could smell you both comming for miles.
  6. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    It's like I've said a thousand times. This industry is and has been a dumping ground for all kinds of people that would never be accepted in society elsewhere.

    This is not saying that it is acceptable, but someone who would or could live like that CAN find employment driving a truck, and I can't say determine whether this is funny or sad.

    I can't imagine that a person who would "mess his pants", and simmer in it for several days, wouldn't generate some calls to Werner by SOMEONE that was totally upset in seeing and smelling this. If I saw this man running around a TRUCKSTOP, I'd call the company and let them know what kind of person they have representing them.

    I imagine I am sitting at my desk, and receive a call from a customer, basically telling me that I am not to send the driver of truck number "X" into their location again.


    "Because you have a grown man who apparently cannot change his diaper on a daily basis, and it was running down his leg, THAT'S why!!."
  7. Big Jason

    Big Jason Bobtail Member

    Feb 28, 2006
    Omaha, Nebraska
    A buddy of mine works in the Gra-Gar tractor shop (Werners repair shop in Omaha) and he has told me horror stories about how some of the trucks have come in, and been abandoned.

    Dog hair, cat hair, pee jugs, plastic bags full of feces. One came in after a driver had a stroke and rotted for 4 days in the summer heat. The cab had to be removed and burned. Dirty condoms, even hypodermic needles were found in a truck. More then a few crack pipes.

    I know they have a few good drivers at Werner. But they do have thier share of low lives, and creeps. I blame drivers for all of the above, but to be truthful...I wouldn't work for CL Werner if it meant starvation.
  8. PortlandDriver

    PortlandDriver RIP, May You Be Heaventown Bound!

    May 30, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    At one time Werner had been a decent company, back over 10 years ago when C.L. was actualy running the company...During that that time when I was driving there I could call the shots, were to go, miles etc. in fact one month I had my dispacher increase my average loaded miles increased from 750 to 1100...
  9. Rangerman

    Rangerman Bobtail Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    In da sleeper
    Some time back I got the dreaded call. My mother passed away on the night I got home. My dispatcher's response? You can't go unless you clean out your truck and return it first. I called H.R. on it and arrainged to have the truck recovered. (I'd secured the rig already)
    When I got back, I began a 4 month mission to find my property. I finally got info on who had it sent to my qcomm, but later that day, got a message from my father that my sister was about to die, and had to come home. (only got home because my Dad'd hired a lawyer to do the talking)
    Long story short: The truck had actually been towed rather than recovered. (by a longtime friend's father) Werner hired the tow co. to get the truck, and instructed them to clear my property out of it. Not being aware of this, I did'nt get with them before the req 30 days.
    I finally got with someone who could look up the truck number of the driver who got the stuff from the tow co. After explaining, this woman flat out refused to help. Stating she did'nt care what the circumstances were, I had no right to expect the stuff back.
  10. Rangerman

    Rangerman Bobtail Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    In da sleeper
    While there are some #### good folks working here, they're as rare as an honest senator. One of my dispatchers was particularly bad. We'll call him "Carl"
    On an unusually timed load, I got to my 1st stop at the equivalent of 1pm. Unable to sleep, I waited there 8 hrs till my scheduled unload time.
    When I finally emptied out, I qcommed in as unavailable, (explaining that I'd been awake for 25hrs as a result of the loads strange timing)
    My dispatcher "carl" immediately replied stating that he was making me available regardless, as I had another 4 hrs available as shown on the computer. (I'd never claimed fatigue before, so t'was'nt a pattern)
    ****For newbies: There is a specific law in the FMCSA book which makes it illegal for a company to compell a driver to roll after you claim fatigue)**
  11. Rangerman

    Rangerman Bobtail Member

    Apr 18, 2006
    In da sleeper
    Not a crusade, the company just sucks.
    Take electronic logs: You may find yourself emptied out in Santa Clara, at 3pm with a place to stop for the night. With only 1.5 hrs left. While getting cozy in the sleeper, your q-comm may go off with load that picks up in Benicia, Ca (a distance of 60miles).
    On a computer this looks doable. But we all know what Bay area traffic is like. Even if you do get there in time, what if they don't let you park where you're loading? (there's no "fudge" factor with gps and electronic logs. If you move, they know it.)
    Of course, electric logs can work FOR you too. Say you're in Omaha, and waiting for a load to get you home. You're already gonna be late when they give you a load going to N.J. You're across the highway waiting for the load and trailer to be ready. (and ops refuses to pull the load off you) Every so often when you go to check on the load, you halt your sleeper bridge. By the time the trailer's ready, you're now out of hours. If you get a message telling you to clean up your log and take the load, the person just ordered you to falsify your log. *both are true stories*

    May sound like a punk attitude, but I'd already given up on seeing any sign that the company gave a rip about it's drivers. I'd been with the company over a year, and they NEVER got me home on time. NOT ONCE. An honest but failed attempt is one thing.(comes with the territory) but Werner did'nt even PRETEND to care about getting me home on time.
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