Werner Passed on me..Hello CRE?

Discussion in 'CR England' started by BlinkBlink, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. BlinkBlink

    BlinkBlink Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    A few weeks ago I started looking onto going OTR AGAIN.

    After sitting up one night filling out online apps I get a call from Werner...

    The recruiter tells me everything looks fine with my app and to send her a DMV report.. So I did...

    My DMV report has just on ticket one it and its a DUI from 99.

    The recruiter says to me " that is fine "

    I also have a misdemeanor from 99 for making noise.

    The recruiter says to me " That is fine also "

    "And now I must take this to the review board"

    "call me in a few days"

    So I did and she said

    "they passed on you "

    So I asked why and she said

    " I dont know"

    So I said "fine"

    To make a long story short CRE calls me and tells me everything is fine and I can start school in SLC.. I told them I could be there Feb 9th.

    Now I have been reading up on CRE in forums online for about 2 weeks.. And chose this one to post.

    I dont need a job I want one.. And I have a job now.. I am a general contractor for new construction and very good at what I do.. I have been in this field off and on for 20 years.. When I was not doing construction in 93 I got my CDL from a oilfield company that truly paid for training and labor for training by the hour.. Gave up my CDL in 2004 when I became a contractor. Not realy gave up, more was sick of the DMV here....Just dumb to give up a CDL.. But I was rolling in more money than I ever had and did a lot of stupid things.

    Back to my story

    I beleive some of the people post all over the net saying how bad CRE hurt their familys.. People that want to make their lives better are being hurt by these people.... The lease is a joke. I am sure of that.. I can add.. Screw the lease..

    And what kinda company wants to give a school grad a lease when they cant even drive the #### truck...They tell people what they wanna hear to reap in benifits only for the company and not the ####### that thinks his or her life will be better.. Dip #### or not I feel for these people.. I have been there where you wanna hear positve things and wanna belive them too...

    I wanna drive and my girlfriend of 5 years that I should marry wants to do it also... Not as a team.. Hell no.. She cant drive.

    The plan is to go to that school I really dont need and pay the 1900 in cash... Told me it would take 2 weeks to complete... Fine....

    I get that over with.. Go out with a trainer for 1 month is what they told me.

    The recruiter said I would have it all done in a month and a half... Well thats ######## and I knew that when she said it...

    My plans are to get that over with and be back here in May 1st.. I have a big job coming up then and was gunna try to leave on good terms after the training... Get the job done in October then drive for CRE of 2 years as a CO.

    After my GF and I have read about CRE we feel several things may mess our plans up.

    They will push the lease on me and sent me home if I dont sign it... Well thats what I want to do.. I wanna go home..

    But what if they put some bull #### on my DAC.. Then I would not be able to drive for anyone else...

    I have a saying that I live by "Dont start no #### and there wont be none"

    I think now if I go with the CRE system there will be ####... And my driving career will be done before it got started...

    I wish I knew of another company that would hire me...

    I could take a class at the CC here that is only 800 bucks but takes 8 weeks...

    Should I just do that? And then when I have my job done in October look for a company that will hire a CDL grad from a CC?

    Can someone tell me a few companies I should be looking into?

    I really want to do this for a while and anyone that passes on me I feel is just dumb.. Like Werner...

    Thanks for reading this... and sorry for errors..
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
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  3. LandShark

    LandShark Road Train Member

    Nov 22, 2008
    Riverdale, Ga
    if your going to SLC for training i would recommend you for get CRE and maybe check out central refidgerated. search the on the web anything is better than CRE
  4. BlinkBlink

    BlinkBlink Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    I am in New mexico.. About 8 hours from SLC.. I would drive and not take the bus.. I have read about students going up there and paying the 50 buck admin fee.. Then some how getting kicked out of the school and told buy a team of guards to leave the campus and get out of the motel and not be given a bus ticket back home....

    OMG is that true? Does that happen?... I have read many of students post the same story...

    So what if a pay the 1900 in cash and they find a reason to kick me out of the school... I am out 1900 bucks and assult on a team of guards.... Sad that is what this company has lead me to believe crap like that.. I would really hate to be ripped off 1900 bucks.
  5. PharmPhail

    PharmPhail Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    I think what happens is that word gets out, true or not, that CRE will take criminal records. So a lot of people with little choice will apply there and either declare it on the app or not. CRE doesn't run the background checks until you get there in order to save money, and the recruiters just want people to show up and take their chances so they don't pass that information on to the boards. Once the guy/gal gets there, the checks are done and they are sent home as liars, unless they have a driver shortage.
  6. CommDriver

    CommDriver Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2006
    This is possible. If you do go up to SLC you should have a backup plan. But CRE is known for taking people that others won't. Yeah, it will be one of the worst experiences of your life, but if you can get through it, at least you'll have your CDL and a job maybe.

    I was sort of in the same boat except that I didn't have any criminal issues. I had gone to an independent school in 1995 and tried two different companies, now both out of business. I got in arguments with the trainers at both gigs and something got on my DAC. In 2000, I decided I wanted to try it again and CRE was the only company that would take me.

    I went through their school and lived in the barracks in SLC for a month. Went out with a lesbian trainer who threw me off her truck. Luckily video surveillance at the truck stop was available of her throwing my stuff out which I threatened to use against CRE. If not for that, I could have got an "abandonment" on my DAC and it would have been over. But they put me with another trainer which worked out okay and then I drove solo for CRE for four months before moving on.

    The barracks in SLC, 5-8 people to a room for a month, and the lesbian trainer stick out in my mind as some of the worst experiences in my life. But now I have 7 yrs experience and can work just about anywhere there is hiring.
  7. BlinkBlink

    BlinkBlink Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    If I do go with CRE, should I just let them finance the school in SLC just in case they try to kick me out for the DUI in 99?

    Zero, if you had to do it over again.. Would you go to a local school and then find work as a driver?
  8. CommDriver

    CommDriver Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2006
    I had my school paid for in 1995, but in 2000 I didn't have any money or financing to go to an independent school.

    If you know somebody will hire you with that DUI on your record, you should do the independent school if you have the money or financing. Someone here should know when that DUI will come off your record.

    Avoid the CRE financing if you can because if you sign the paperwork before they kick you out if they kick you out, you'll still be liable for the loan. If they accept you with knowledge of your DUI, try to get something in writing that they will not fire you because of this at any time in the future. They probably won't, but you never know unless you ask.
  9. PharmPhail

    PharmPhail Road Train Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    I spoke to a driver who had a felony that was over 7 years old. He got his CDL through CRE. Apparently the school actually agreed to train him and get his CDL to be reimbursed by working for them for I guess a year. What is strange is that they trained him for the CDL and he got it, and then they didn't even interview him or pull background for the actual job until after he got the CDL. Well, he got booted and had to find his way home with CDL in hand.

    He ended up with a company called Apollo out of Tempe, AZ. I assume his credit got dinged, but he still got the CDL. Very strange company I think.
  10. BlinkBlink

    BlinkBlink Bobtail Member

    Jan 18, 2009
    Back in 2002 when I had my CDL I was approved by knight transport.. Maybe I should call them.. They will still have my work history on file and I would just have to update it.. Some of the work history I have is considered as OTR with them..

    And I know Kight is a good company with great lease contracts.. If there is such a thing..
  11. CommDriver

    CommDriver Road Train Member

    Dec 9, 2006
    Exhaust all available options before going to CRE.
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