Wow nice to meet the first trucker who was NEVER a Newbie!!!! 600,000 people NOT trash lost thier jobs last month, at no fault of thier owe. And since some of us are looking for trucking jobs, were trash? Some of us have always had an interest in driving but were making more money then if we were driving. But now is a new chapter in many peoples lives, and many of us have choising to drive a truck for a living, and you look down on that, oh mighty 5 year trucker!!!. I drove trucks for 11 years in the military, protecting you and the other truckers out thier , so I should not have a chance to live my dream, beacuse it might hurt you? And 26cpm, is better then No job and collecting unemployment. So before you go calling hard working, ex military and jsut people that love our country, trash, you might want to rethink your words!!!
What companies are actully hiring trainees durin economic crisis?
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Zoomin' Zemo, Jan 16, 2009.
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luvtheroad, photolurp2, steelerfan67 and 4 others Thank this.
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sorry to disapoint you luvtheroad but I am a transplant from Atlanta, Ga. I did however attend the Ga. Truck Driving Academy 12 years ago. I took a transfer with a co. I used to work for to the Buckeye about 6 years ago. Don't miss the traffic on 285 but, I do miss the winter down there. I was not trying to be a smartmouth when I asked to stay on topic I just got tired of that type of thing happening on another board that I USED to belong to.
Tinman!jasondt2001 and Lilbit Thank this. -
Good to hear Tinman! Keep us updated!!!
Skinny, thats ok, I didnt look at the trucker thing. If I had I wouldnt have asked that. Are you still in the trucking industry?
Yes luvtheroad I am still very much a truck driver. My family and I transferred here to OH. 6 years ago with a carhaul co. then 3.5 years ago I got an offer from Big R. as a linehaul driver and jumped at it. My co. is now merging with Yellow and after March 1 2009 I have to either pack up my family once again and take another transfer with YRC or take another job. This is why I have been on this board so much lately trying to fimd out so much info. on companys. I think I will end up over at Carry Transit if they will have me. I was going to go with a co. called L.J. Kennedy Trucking but I backed out of it after an interview and a job offer. I see you live in the Buckeye also without getting to personal do you live anywhere near me and can you tell me of a co. I can go to work for where I live? Thanks for the help.
I don't live close to you guys but I'll be there every week starting 3/16 to finish my driver training. If I can only learn to back... LOL Hey, would you be a good driver instructor? I think I know of a job opening. -
badcompany that is a very hard question to answer and I will try to explain why. The co is giving drivers at over 300 terminals nationwide the oppurtunity to transfer. The way this will work is drivers will sign up to take place in a nationwide conference call on Mon. Feb. 16th. After the co got all of the requests last week they put all of the names on a list according to co. senority. Now on Mon. they will call every driver that signed up and offer him the oppurtunity to transfer to a term. that is gaining drivers and he or she can either take the transfer or pass and take a layoff. So to answer your question again it could be anywhere from FL. to Ca. Again it goes by senority so my chances of Fl. are very unlikely. There is even a chance that I will not even receive an oppurtunity to transfer because other guys with mor senority will take all available jobs before it even gets down to me therefore I will be instantly laidoff. I know it may all sound confusing but that is the way it works in LTL.luvtheroad I don't really know how far I would be willing to commute for work. I have been in a situation before where I would truck all day and half of the night to get back and then half to drive my car another hour to get home and let me tell you that hour home is harder than the whole day. As far as the Instructor gig I think I wilhave to politely pass on that. I love being in the truck to much. I obtained my CDL the day I turned 21 and still love it after 12 years. It is really the only thing I know how to do and I have to say I am pretty darn good at it too. Hope this helps answer your guys I have said in a previous post I love this message board and I wish I would have found it years ago. B.T.W. luvtheroad good luck to you at trucking school and if it was anything like the one I went to they teach you enough to obtain your CDL and push you out the door and let your future employer turn you into a truck driver. Also if you will be in my area in March find a way to contact me and I will take you to the best diner in Clark County and buy you a cup of coffee. I have a feeling I will probably be laidoff then and my wife be getting tired of me hanging around her all the time....LOL.
wish you best of luck whatever the outcome is
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