what to do?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by krazyductman, Dec 18, 2006.

  1. krazyductman

    krazyductman Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    im 41 and just lost my job. ive been a hvac installer for the past 12yrs i dont want to do it any more i would like to learn how to drive a big rig but i dont have the $$ to pay for it i have 4 kids 17,12,9,and 8 the closest paid training is pam over in jeff.ind. should i go this route or look for something else? im tired of working my butt off for nothing i come from a long line of truckers my grandfather,uncle,and moms boyfreinds drove trucks i have always wanted to drive one :dontknow:
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  3. earthbrown

    earthbrown Medium Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    That is a tough question...

    If you are the sole breadwinner you need to act carefully. As trucking can be very difficult as many times the pay can be inconsistent and combined with time away from the family for weeks could take its toll.

    If you really want to do the venture, stick it out with another HVAC job for a little while.

    Get bills paid off and GET $$$$ in the bank, in an account only you have access to for emergency purposes.

    If you have rent pay it off for a minimum of 2 months ahead. I would also have a minimum of 2 months of bills paid for in the bank.

  4. Lobo

    Lobo Bobtail Member

    Mr.P's Trucking is a wonderful company to work fthey also have a school and training there as well. I do agree with previous post about having atleast two months of household expenses paid up before any type of school. Would your family be able to survive off of what your wife makes? Mr.P's is located in Jeffersonville Indiana. My husband works there right now and makes pretty good money. Averaging a bit over 4 grand, plus he is home every weekend. Ultimate decision is your families. Short term and long term advantages and disadvantages.
  5. krazyductman

    krazyductman Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    thanks that helps out going to the unemployment office in the morning to see what they have thanks again
  6. fordlady40

    fordlady40 Bobtail Member

    Dec 8, 2006
    your county agency may help you finance trucking school if you want to change careers also, check into your local bureau of vocational rehabilitation agency, they have funds available to retrain people for truck driving.:)
  7. krazyductman

    krazyductman Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2006
    went 2 my local agency and they told me they would give the funds but only if i stay in the hvac field. this time of year there is no work i cant win but i still havent made a decission about trucking yet
  8. midget28

    midget28 Light Load Member

    Jan 10, 2007
    What Cheer Iowa
    You might try talking to a local company not neccesarily over the road. If you can get in good with a smaller company owner they might just let u get your permit and liscense in one of there trucks. A cousin of mine did this and hes been hauling grain for the past year. A permit for a cdl is $12.
  9. Dreamin

    Dreamin Bobtail Member

    Jan 31, 2007
    This may sound stupid. If you are out of work and would just like a job to put some money in your pocket, you could try looking for work at some of the local school bussing co's. The companies in PA where I live are usually always needing drivers. They will train you for a class B only though. The money wouldn't be that good, but it would be something until you could find another havc job.

    My husband drove school bus for 7 years before getting his class A. Without a summer job, it is **** financially. Looking back, I wish he went for his class A sooner. Then again he is a family man, and it would have torn him up to be gone from the kids for so long when they were younger. Now that the kids are a little older, it's not too bad on him.
  10. panhandlepat

    panhandlepat Road Train Member

    Jan 12, 2007
    i got out of HVAC too bud. just because of the new EPA regs. the 12 SEER rule made everything twice as big, and closets have stayed the same size!! it will only get worse too!

    do they use fiberglass duct there? that crap is a carcinogen according to the state of Ca. i spent 2 years in tech school to get out of duct and do equipt. install/ service and after 15 years in the industry didn't make enough to pay all that needs paid.
  11. Light Traveler

    Light Traveler Light Load Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    Somewhere out there...
    Try the local technical school in your area. There inexpensive and state funded, which will allow you to apply for financial aid. Good luck.
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