Where to find stamped serial number on small cam cummins?!

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by NickyWalnuts, Oct 10, 2024.

  1. NickyWalnuts

    NickyWalnuts Bobtail Member

    Oct 10, 2024
    I just bought a ‘74 Peterbilt from an old timer family friend. The data plate on the timing cover is missing. I took some jasco paint remover to the machined out spot beneath the cylinder head on the driver’s side of the block towards the back of the block (where you would find it on a big cam) and there’s nothing. Does anyone know definitively where I should find the stamped serial number??

    I have 29 more days to get this figured out or the state of CA won’t let me register it at all. I’m trying to get a low use (1,000 mile/yr) exemption as I’m a small farmer and won’t need it all the time anyways. I need the engine family number as part of the filing requirements. That number would normally be on the data plate. Supposedly cummins will make you a new data plate for a fee if you can supply the serial number so I’m kinda up a creek if I can’t find the number! Any insights would be appreciated as time is of the essence.

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  3. NickyWalnuts

    NickyWalnuts Bobtail Member

    Oct 10, 2024
    The only identifying numbers I did find was the tag on the injection pump, which say the pump is for an NTC335 (small cam)
  4. SmallPackage

    SmallPackage Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Marion Texas
    Those tags are always missing on 9 out of every 10. The small cam numbers are On left hand side of block in the front beneath the front head behind the air compressor there is another pad they were stamped on. May be hard to get at if there is an A/c compressor but it will be back there.
    OLDSKOOLERnWV Thanks this.
  5. SmallPackage

    SmallPackage Road Train Member

    Dec 20, 2019
    Marion Texas
    Being in a ‘74 Pete if it is still original it may be a CPL 160 NTC350. That was the standard Pete engine back then. All others were extra cost options.
    OLDSKOOLERnWV Thanks this.

    OLDSKOOLERnWV Captain Redbeard

    Nov 29, 2011
    West Virginia
    As mentioned earlier look behind the compression release lever on front left side under the front head gasket…..
    blairandgretchen Thanks this.
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