Why do sand hauling companies require you to sleep in the truck?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Ponce2025, Nov 28, 2024.

  1. Ponce2025

    Ponce2025 Bobtail Member

    Nov 28, 2024

    The road test is for that job. It's a company road test for that company
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  3. Frank Speak

    Frank Speak Road Train Member

    May 3, 2016
    Think I’d take a pass on that gig. Local means you’re home every night, not guarding priceless grains of sand.
  4. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Well, let’s analyze this for a bit.

    He’s in Texas, a big state with plenty of windshield time to be had, so could possibly justify running a sleeper. That leaves the question of how many times a week are we standing that trailer up?

    If it’s more than two or three, than I’m in your camp. I’m not running 5 or 6 loads a day out of the same pit in a sleeper truck.
  5. Lazer

    Lazer Road Train Member

    Jan 22, 2017
    Sand companies in the Permian Basin have the drivers follow the frac crew. You stay with your truck unless you are ‘on home time’. No driving your truck/trailer back to the yard, unless you are going on ‘home time’. No ‘slip seating’.
  6. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    It’s probably a pneumatic hauling frac sand or pulling sand boxes on a chassis.
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