Why my CB radio is on all the time, and why yours should be, too

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by Voyager1968, Aug 13, 2016.

  1. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Among other things, like one time trying to tell an oblivious flatbed driver his back strap was dragging on the pavement, I have another reason for this thread.

    On Thursday morning, I was driving through the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton area on I-81 north, heading to Connecticut. Having my radio on, I started to hear rumblings of a developing problem ahead of me. The first report was of a broken down vehicle in a construction zone tying up traffic. Farther along, the reports changed to the broken down vehicle being rear-ended at speed, and the the freeway was shutting down. This happened at about the 173-175 mile marker near the Pilot Truckstop near Pittston.

    Hearing this AHEAD OF TIME, and knowing the area, I decided to jump off at Exit 170 and run parallel to I-81 on PA-315. At that time, there was yet to be a lot of traffic on 315, and other than a couple of red lights, I breezed right on by the mess, and got back on the freeway and continued on. Had I not had the radio on, I would have never known what was going on ahead of me and would have been trapped, sitting for a couple of hours waiting for the wreck to be cleared.

    So to any of the new drivers reading this thread, instead of just cranking up the tunes on the Sirius radio, try to keep the CB on at all times as well. You can still listen to the radio. Just squelch the CB to drown out the garbage, but have it up loud enough to hear it over the music. If you're having a truck problem or there is road information, a close in signal will break the squelch, and you'll know what's going on near you. Chances are that one day it might save your hide, if for nothing else but to get around a major traffic jam, but also, if you're having some kind of problem with your truck. Another driver may spot it (like I did with the flatbed driver) and make an attempt to let you know, possibly saving yours, or someone else's, life.
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  3. David_Simpson

    David_Simpson Medium Load Member

    Feb 23, 2016
    my cb radio IS on, but the volume is WAY DOWN!

    on my particular run, i really have no cb chatter, believe it or not.
  4. tnevin225

    tnevin225 Road Train Member

    Jan 1, 2014
    There are times i'm rely glad I have a talkback, that way at least I know somebody is listening to me.:rolleyes:
    BTShepp, Lone Gunman, LindaPV and 2 others Thank this.
  5. Cw5110

    Cw5110 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 19, 2013
    I have my radio on but the squelch is in the middle too cancel out static and ill turn the volume down if someone is acting stupid but none of the less its on majority of the time.
    BTShepp and Voyager1968 Thank this.
  6. Grumppy

    Grumppy Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    West Monroe, La
    I agree. Mine is on most of the time, but those who need to fuss, cuss & start or continually argue etc, causes me to turn mine down until I get out of range of them. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget to turn it back up for a few miles.

    I know people will be people & some will be stupid & inconsiderate to others but, if it weren't for those loud mouth, conceded, selfish few out there, mine would be on more than it is & I wouldn't miss these things.
    rda2580, Voyager1968 and Cw5110 Thank this.
  7. STexan

    STexan Road Train Member

    Oct 3, 2011
    Longview, TX
    For every anecdotal story you can provide to support having the radio on, I can provide 5 stories why it's reasonable to turn it off. I have it on 90% of the time. But you MUST avoid depending on radio NOTAM's to always keep you alerted. I supplement my radio with keeping Google Maps current with traffic turned on. Google Maps doesn't talk nonsense and BS, and is always truthful and current.
  8. alghazi

    alghazi Road Train Member

    Aug 29, 2014
    Keeping your CB on at all times will also keep you apprised of who does not have panties on.
  9. tucker

    tucker Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    I keep mine on, I'm on the lookout for another Hillary supporter
    Getsinyourblood and alghazi Thank this.
  10. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    Sad, but true. It's one of the reasons so many choose not to monitor the CB anymore. If it weren't for the idiots...

    Gone are the days of getting reliable road reports, directions, etc. I'm old school, so I just basically tune out the BS, plus I have the squelch turned up so that I only here stuff within about a mile or two of my location.
    rocknroll81, MACK E-6 and rda2580 Thank this.
  11. Grumppy

    Grumppy Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Dec 11, 2010
    West Monroe, La
    If I could depend on that, I would put up with the inconsiderate, argumentative, loud mouth, foul language & all the other annoying people. Since I havent found that to be a promising reason to keep it on during the nonsense, I turn the CB down & try to look into the passing vehicles myself.
    alghazi and striker Thank this.
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