Yellow liquid from air dryer

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by ColumbiaBoB, Jan 9, 2025.

  1. ColumbiaBoB

    ColumbiaBoB Light Load Member

    May 3, 2011
    Des Moines, IA
    Hi, 2020 t680, had to replace a few airlines on the air dryer and saw this purge/drain valve on the side of the air dryer, and pushed on it, and yellow liquid started coming out, so I did the same on my air tank to see and it was fine, what could it be and is it safe to release all of it, ty
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  3. KDHCryo

    KDHCryo Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2023
    I'd change the filter dryer, usually high pressure air and oil mixes into yellow snot. Which freezes
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