its all bad dont do it you will avrage 300 per week bust you tale never see home if you go home no pay to eat. you will loose every thing nobody makes it. it cost 200 a week to eat on the road theres no securety nobody talks good exsept the new drivers that dont know yet england will give you a little money at first then not even anuff to eat
Yes...CR England sucks!!!
Discussion in 'CR England' started by TRossi46, Jun 12, 2007.
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I had a problem with my Phase 2 trainer I reported it and was told to stay on the truck he was supposed to be bringing me in, in 3 days. Then we got a load to PA from Laredo TX. We get to PA and things were worse got thrown off the truck. Made my way back in to be asked do you want to lease? I said no and was fired. 3 Months on the road, not enough and because I was fired nobodys interested what can I do?
CR Englandizifaddag Thanks this. -
I am not going to defend CRE, but I swear there is more to these stories about CRE(Not all of them) than we are told
AchioteCoyote Thanks this. -
I'm a ic with cre, yep, big mistake!!!!!they send you a trip assignment, kool i got a load. So you except it. Lets say the trip assignment sayes: 84 miles empty, and 886 miles loaded, thats 930 miles they will pay you for. Now i own a rand mcnally gps, top dollar rig, i bunch in the address from my last drop and it is 96 miles to my pick-up, there's 12 miles out of your pocket so far. Than from the shippers to my drop is about 1000. You do the math. You have to pay out of pocket over 120 miles. Thats about 20 gals of fuel @ $4.00 bucks a gal. About $80.00. That just one trip. This company does not in no way shape or form pay you what your times worth or the miles,,,,,,over 100 roll overs in the last year,,if you don't "train" you don,t make "nothing, as in 0 $$$$$. Please correct me if i'm wrong,,,anybody,,they pay post office to post office and a new one was layed on me today they pay "straight line"
izifaddag Thanks this. -
The pre-pass for the scales, don't work, been with them for 6 months mine has never worked, it does on tolls, thats it.
whats the safe sat score maybe they are pullin u in because of the rollovers or do u mean it doesnt beep
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