Volvo D13 injector cups fail again !

Discussion in 'Volvo Forum' started by Johny41, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Johny41

    Johny41 Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    Volvo D13 2008/ still original motor 1,320,000 miles , I had a long cranking, knew the injectors are gone; this time I drove it to shop; 3 injectors cups gone again, (see photos the carbon deposit leaking from combustion),
    This is 4th time I have same problem since june 2007 ; this are steel cups and 2nd and generation of injectors for this motor, I installed in 2011; they lasted more about 500,000 miles, but Volvo failed big time with the injectors in this motor; love it great on fuel but this are costly and bad designed; I have to get new injectors; and camshaft; they have now the 3rd generation of injectors for D13, extra coatings and different procedure to install;

    I'm a photo dweeb:) some photos I loaded on my photo bucket below;

    click to enlarge;




    camshaft wearing after all this miles; piston #3,



    Volvo Posted this Video on YouTube last year, but they just want to sell injector kits; should come out with a recall, and public apology. How are the Cummins, Detroit injectors? do they have same problems caused by ultra high injection pressure and ULSD low lube qualities?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
    Aerodyne Trans Thanks this.
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  3. Bakerman

    Bakerman Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2013
    Phoenix, AZ
    I have an '01 Volvo with an N-14 at 1.6 million. I replaced 1 injector about 3 years ago.
    Johny41 and blanco Thank this.
  4. bad-luck

    bad-luck Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2013
    Baltimore, Maryland
    I had an 05 freightliner with a 14L Detroit. Injector cups were leaking diesel in the coolant at about 600k.
    Johny41 Thanks this.

    QUALITYTRUCK Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    it looks like you were able to r/r cups without head this true?
    Johny41 Thanks this.
  6. Johny41

    Johny41 Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    yep, no need to remove head ; I'm not doing the job, this photos I took today at Volvo shop;
  7. Johny41

    Johny41 Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    N14 was great, I know a team here with 2 mil on original Volvo 770 / N14. but was different design, I understand the ultra high pressure injection and dry ULSD is causing this leaks; I don't know if Cummins and Detroit has same problems with motors built after 2008.
  8. Aleeex

    Aleeex Light Load Member

    Jun 8, 2014
    I was told that you should replace the cups on the d13 every 500k as preventive maintenance. Seems like they were correct.

    As far as cam wear. Do you idle the truck a lot without PTO?

    Try switching to a synthetic oil, I understand the cost is greater but repair bills aren't cheap either.
    KB3MMX and Johny41 Thank this.
  9. daf105paccar

    daf105paccar Road Train Member

    Apr 15, 2012
    Be glad you don't had any oil/diesel leaking into your coolant.
    If that happens..............ALL rubbers/seals have to be replaced and that's 1$$$$.(yup,5 digits)

    A friend off mine had the same problem as you .
    He put pressure on Volvo and they did give a big discount.
    Try have nothing to lose.
    Johny41 Thanks this.
  10. Johny41

    Johny41 Road Train Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Ontario, Canada
    In my last truck,Volvo 770 2001/ Detroit D60, I replaced 1 injector in 1,100,000 miles until I sold the truck; this one I did cups only twice plus this new injectors and steel cups in 2011, and now again; I believe has something to do with stupid design, ultra high injection pressure and bad lube qualities of this ULSD mixed with bio;
    team truck, we rarely idle ; I use synthetic oil only;
    I can't complain about motor, is very good in fuel economy and the original warranty on motor was 250,000 miles and have 1,320,000 miles ;
    Last time I did the injector cups was in 2011, in Terre Haute, In @ Volvo ;the technician showed me the wearing on the cam, but was just a spot, he told me at the time to check it in 30-50,000 miles and replace camshaft; I did over 500,000 miles; i remember reading this thread here, maybe I'm lucky, D13 has camshaft isues;

    The truck is still shop in Ayr, Ontario; they don't have injector kits & cups in stock are waiting for parts; must be hot Volvo items;
    In almost every Volvo shop I've been over past 7 years ,all over North America from Nova Scotia to British Columbia to California, Texas , i've seen truck with D13 open top cover and mechanics fixing injector cups;
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
  11. daf105paccar

    daf105paccar Road Train Member

    Apr 15, 2012
    I'm not the biggest Volvo fan but it isn't a bad motor.
    Those cups and the valverocker are it's weakest points.
    Johnny,they do know it is the rocker that caused the damage to your cam?
    In fact it is the little wheel on the rocker that is the culprit.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
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