2006 International 4300 dt466 running rough and dying intermittently

Discussion in 'International Forum' started by Benjafish, Dec 4, 2024.

  1. Benjafish

    Benjafish Bobtail Member

    Nov 9, 2024
    Well. New symptoms.
    If you disconnect the ICP sensor it runs and doesn't die. It has no power but it runs fine. I'm presuming it goes into some kind of limp mode.

    I drove with the ICP unplugged for about 400 miles and it never died or stumbled. I also go no more voltage codes. I'm wondering if the UVCH or sensor are shorting B+ reference to B- reference and shutting the truck down.

    Is that something anyone has had happen or heard of?
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  3. Inderjit

    Inderjit Heavy Load Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    Oil wicking through the harness ICP sensor faults ICP sensor is a failure item.
    Runs with it disconnected. Sure sounds like an ICP sensor problem.
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