2015 Cascadia OTR Performance

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by Aminal, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. BJnobear

    BJnobear Heavy Load Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    PCB, FL
    Right in between two thermonuclear bullsey.. err Minuteman III silos right?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
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  3. Cranky Yankee

    Cranky Yankee Cranky old ######

    Jan 31, 2012
    Green Bay Wi
    a couple problems we have had the last month with simple outcomes

    on the way home from CA my transmission would shift into manual mode on it's own. If i pulled over shut it off would reset and be ok for a while. After the second or third time i noticed the ABS light would be coming on at the same time
    come to find out if the tractor ABS light comes on truck automatically goes in manual mode

    another driver noticed his truck wouldn't ecoast
    found out it was doing a regen and wont coast during a regen
    White_Knuckle_Newbie Thanks this.
  4. BJnobear

    BJnobear Heavy Load Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    PCB, FL
    Any updates Aminal?
  5. Aminal

    Aminal Heavy Load Member

    Mileage is doing real well. She's got 138K on her now and for the life of the whole 138K she's getting 7.9 MPG. Got the overhead done at 112K and since then (I measure overall MPG and since last service MPG) she is at 8.3 so no complaints. The big MPG killer for me is when I have to run it flat out against the governor for a couple days cause something went awry and that's what it takes to make OTD. She's doing real well but you can keep this Carrier APU. I MUCH prefer the TK w/ a conventional bunk heater and big inverter. I have not been impressed w/ the heat - ever, the A/C was OK (TK's was much colder) but the direct electrical was nice. Now I'm gonna have to go to a Carrier place (or our shop) cause the AC isn't cool at all, the heat isn't heating at all and it's not putting out it's full electric either. Diesel engine starts and runs fine, though. LOL. Have a good one.
    daf105paccar Thanks this.
  6. BJnobear

    BJnobear Heavy Load Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    PCB, FL
    Sounds like the Dynajunks... when they ran.
  7. MachoCyclone

    MachoCyclone Road Train Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    Mine just got a new generator and water pump.
  8. JackTheWhack

    JackTheWhack Light Load Member

    Oct 31, 2012
    Eagle River,Wisc
  9. White_Knuckle_Newbie

    White_Knuckle_Newbie Light Load Member

    Nov 6, 2015
    science bitch.jpg
  10. BJnobear

    BJnobear Heavy Load Member

    Aug 24, 2010
    PCB, FL
    I'm doing something wrong. I'm only seeing 6.3 over 6000 miles. Course I'm climbing 70 right now at 75k. Mine is just like yours, where are you running at speed wise? I have been a steady 65.
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