Adding salt to meals increases risk of stomach cancer
Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Chinatown, Sep 8, 2024.
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Numb Thanks this.
Okay, being the worlds biggest skeptic, is it really salt that's harvested from the sea? I mean, who is going to know? Like "organic" foods, or bottled water, it's all a crock.
OldMainiac and Numb Thank this. -
your tin foil hat is too tight?OldMainiac Thanks this. -
While an anti-caking agent often used in salt, called "sodium ferrocyanide" or "yellow prussiate of soda," contains cyanide, it is not considered toxic in the amounts used because the cyanide is tightly bound to iron atoms, making it essentially non-reactive and not readily released as a harmful substance; therefore, it is generally considered safe when used as a food additive under regulated conditions.
OldMainiac Thanks this. -
In large quantities this 'anti caking' agent will cause stomach issues just like the poison does.
Ind0792 and OldMainiac Thank this. -
Far.Away.Eyes Thanks this.
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