And away we go…another Walmart Transportation thread

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by BreadMakesMePoop, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    Not sure about a cap with raises but everyone got a 2 cent raise about a month ago. I believe they understand they are going to have to pay much higher wages to get, keep, and retain drivers.
    Other companies can match the pay without the rigorous robotic like rules.
    Loudstacks Thanks this.
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  3. Magoo1968

    Magoo1968 Road Train Member

    Mar 18, 2021
    St Malo mb
    Are the Canadian drivers well paid? Two times I’ve seen the same Walmart driver picking up plastic bottles for the refund out of the garbage bins and recycling box in pullouts from Calgary to Vancouver..
  4. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    It's not micromanaging. I get it, you don't like Walmart and you've never worked there but you know all about it because of some guys who couldn't cut it there? All they really want is the freight delivered safely without running over anybody, or thing and don't get hurt yourself. There's a routine to everything trucking, that's all it is. A good routine that's safe and efficient.
    Banker Thanks this.
  5. Kenworth6969

    Kenworth6969 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2020
    What is average weekly paycheck?
    What average weekly miles?
    How often are you home?
  6. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020


    1. The direct management of a project etc to an excessive degree, with too much attention to detail and insufficient delegation

  7. LTL Bull

    LTL Bull Road Train Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    I get it. Office pukes trolling the DC or safety monitoring your drop and hook procedure via security cams at remote locations and “speaking with you” if you deviate from the dictated procedure is the VERY definition of micromanaging.
  8. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    I’ll answer the home first as the other questions depend on many factors.
    They have numerous schedule but the most popular is 5 on 2 off 5 on 3 off.

    The other questions you asked depend on how you decide to run. Some people work at Walmart to say they work at Walmart. Myself, I’m there to make money and go home.
    The last month, as the slow period as kinda eased up, I’m averaging 2200 miles a week.
    My next check I’ll have grossed 4k, but I used 3 days of pto as my schedule changed.
    It’s not hard to average 400 plus daily as you learn how to run your clock and set your days up. Weekend work pays more.
    The pay is definitely there and it can be pretty fantastic for a company driver.
    viper822004 and Loudstacks Thank this.
  9. Loudstacks

    Loudstacks Light Load Member

    Feb 29, 2020

    Apparently wally world is falsyfing weight in protein products! Weigh your meats and make sure the weight matches up, with such a major company like this pulling this greedy #### males you wonder how honest they are with their drivers... stay alert and aware of what's happening... you cross reference your w2 statements with (assuming you keep track of miles, dnhks, etc anything paid for), they ever cheat you on payroll? My last reefer otr outfit cheated me! Fuel solution stop miles (from 15 all the way up to 100 daily sounds like a little but times over 5k trucks! Do the math)...

    Have you ever had missing earned money?
    Ever bring it up? Did payroll or your terminal resolve it right away or play we'll get back to ya by the time you get burned out and forget!
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  10. BreadMakesMePoop

    BreadMakesMePoop Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2019
    Drivers control their pay. Dead serious.
    You keep track of all activities and miles. If miles are short, call it in and they fix immediately. Activities short and you go into the system and change it yourself.

    That class action lawsuit is another reason it’s hard to feel all that great about working for them.
    Knowing it’s all about profit over everything else…this is America. Just trying to make the best choice and lessen the chance of being unemployed as things get worse. If Walmart is suffering, America has much bigger problems.
    Lonesome and Loudstacks Thank this.
  11. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    No, for someone who's feelings get hurt over constructive criticism it might be. There's a wrong way to do things and a right way. If you're doing something in a manner that might get you or somebody else hurt they're gonna bring it to your attention. You're not in trouble. You're not going to lose your job. Some people might not be diplomatic in bringing it to your attention but that doesn't mean you should get all bent out of shape over it.

    I'll give you an example. We've all got or developed bad habits out here. They don't like for you to do the 2 finger twirl when cranking landing gear up or down. They want you to actually wrap your hand around the handle and control it while cranking it. Otherwise the handle might fly out while twirling and crack you in the skull knocking out teeth or whatever. So you're going to get upset if somebody points out you're doing it wrong? You been doing it that way 30 years and think that makes it ok?

    That's really all it is. Nothing to get your feelings hurt over. Just trying to break the bad habits we've all been guilty of.
    BreadMakesMePoop Thanks this.
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