All companies including the trucking companies use OPE. That of course stands for Other Peoples Efforts.
Trucking companies especially need to pay attention to OPE because it can have an effect on their business.
Those who do not measure up when it come to efforts required to complete the mission can cause contract loses and that can mean the end of a company. Profit margins are just too close to hire the wrong people for the job.
Years ago, I drove for Marten, and was getting loaded at Houston Budweiser, when another student driver was supposed to be on the dock to assist in loading. He was found out back with a six pack of Untaxed Bud, having a private party. His trainer was in the sleeper when it was time to load and the trainee could not be found.
Lets see: Untaxed Beer, Drinking on the Job, Theft, etc...Not a good choice to put on a truck for training or any other reason.
The driver that represents the company has to be of the caliber as to promote a good relationship between the truck company and the customer.
This is part of the Marketing and Sales of a companies Customer Service.
Now, that being said, the log book violations can also put a company into dire straights with fines and can cause major financial concerns for drivers.
So anything I have said about business relates to trucking as well as any other type of business.
OPM OPE are just tools used by the capitalist work arena.
Independent representatives can be anything from
Contract Owner Operators
Contract Painters
Contract Sales and marketing Representatives
Contract Independent Prostitutes where it is legal.
Other Peoples Money means acquirement of debt that must be paid back.
Other Peoples Efforts means engaging people to perform a service for pay, be it mileage, hourly, contract, or percentage, or residual income.
The two types of pay within the contract world are:
Temporary Linear Income-One time pay for One time Service
Permanent Residual Income-Continuous pay for services, sales, etc.
i.e. Book/Song Writer, ever book/song sold receives payment
i.e. Singer - every time a recording is played the residuals are paid
i.e. Independent Representative-Contract Commission can be paid either way:
Linear - One time pay as per contract sale.
Residual-build a customer base and your pay is continuous as long as the customer remains active.
Thus, I hope all this trash tonight means something educational if nothing more, as business is business and it all circles around the pay check where some business pay more than others and others pay nothing they don't have to.
Now, I have said much more than I intended, but I had time between the work load tonight.
By the way, I write for a living as well as I am an Independent Administrator for hire and I am a consultant and promoter of great companies. Limitation is not in my vocabulary!
However, I would enjoy being out there now and then. I do miss it, so all of you enjoy it for me. Don't feed the bears and by all means, don't fall asleep at the wheel.![]()
Assistance In Finding A Good Company???
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Johnnb, Jun 6, 2007.
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I really dont give a rats kiester about MLM.
Are you finished preaching now? Are you ready to talk about trucking? You can take your MLM Speil to your family members (if they havent already started avoiding you because of your constant endless droning about MLM when they are talking about their trip to the beach), or out to your next weekly meeting/dog and pony show/bait and switch gathering at the neighbors house.
Make any money off this little pyramid dealio yet? Tell the truth.
Have fun! -
This is what I mean by your experience in business and the fact you are not qualified. MLM has two identifiers: Multi Level Management, Multi Level Marketing; but all are of a Multi Level Structure. This structure is there for a purpose; organization, education, management.
When you finally get to the point you know something about business, let me know, okay? Here goes your lesson for tonight.
A. You have not proven your points on once single item.
B. All Businesses are MLM - Your Response: Nonesense
Response: All business structure is Multi Level:
Level # 1 - CEO
Level # 2 - Senior Management
Level # 3 - Middle Management
level # 4 - Junior Management
Below Levels are employee
Multi - Level pertains to all aspects of Corporate Structure to include Government Structure:
Level # 1 President
Level # 2 Vice President - Speaker of the House
Level # 3 Branches of Government: i.e. Judicial, Legislative, Military, Etc., Etc., Etc.,
Level # 1 Commanding General
Level # 2 General Staff
Level # 3 Divisions
Level # 4 Brigades
Level # 5 Battalions
Level # 6 Companies
Level # 7 Platoons
Level # 8 Squads
C. You are the one who brought up Quality Customer Service, Quality Products, etc., I just gave you examples. Where is your proof of knowledge about anything stated?
You stated: Who Cares! This is why you are not qualified to work with me, but this is only one reason why you are not qualified to work in any business with me.
Being Laid off from a company that grossed $64 Billion, Trillion, Zillion make no difference. I personally know of airline pilots that served until retired and because the airlines did not protect their retirements, they lost everything. So what is your point?
D. The US Chamber of Commerce Blue Chip Enterprise Award for Business Excellence.
And you did not know! Quality? Business? You really don't have a clue.
Your Response: Thats where you are wrong my friend. Not going to give you my entire background, but lets just say that
I really dont give a rats kiester about MLM.
Now we all know you did not have any knowledge of what MLM stood for, so it is understandable you don't care and that is why you have bounced from business to business and now entering the trucking industry.
Good Luck! You may have found a home, but that does not mean all Truck Drivers think as you do, because I know of two that are very wealthy thanks to MLM and their new trucks every year are just tax write offs. You my friend, will never reach that quality of life scale with your outlook on life and the business world.
E. but then Mary Kay is not my bag and those girls definitely earn their paychecks.
Then you'll understand why I say that MLM is not MY bag, and why I find it quite amusing that you are working so hard to change everyone's mind about MLM on a trucking forum.
I did not ask you to look for a position with Mary Kay? I have not asked anyone to join any program. So far, I have only responded to you ignorance, and everyone else is getting a free education. They don't ever have to contact me.
You probably don't know that an Inc 500 - MLM company sold truck loads of their products to the US Government after 911. One of the best companies for the only products that do such a fantastic job they are designed to do. Most people went to Costco and Samsclub to purchase garbage equipment.
Now, I don't work for that company and I am not mentioning their name unless it is requested, and only privately as I am not advertising for them. However, I don't mind giving scientific facts about the products and referring people to a search engine to find a qualified representative.
You could not do that, now could you?
Like wise you probably don't know anything about Net Work Marketing? Every company that has products or services to sell uses Net Work Marketing to sell their wares.
Refute this since you know so much and I will diagram Network Marketing as it relates to the Trucking Industry!
F. Now, I could go on and on about the business world of which you know nothing about, but what's the point.
Your Response: Wow.... just wow..... You are quite the specimen.
No, I am just educated in Business and you are not. In fact, you are getting what amounts to a degree in business right now and you don't realize it.
Levels of Lack of Intelligence:
1. Ignorance - Ignorance is cured by and with Education!
2. Stupidity -The rejection of Education!
3. Dumb - Disabled, mentally; can't learn!
G. Correction: You are right in that I'm not interested (so stop the #### sales pitch already), but trust me little fella, I've been all over the world. Conducting business and having fun. I know full well there's a whole world outside my window. Just curious, what have you done in your life (other than driven a truck and preached to a trucking forum that MLM is the be all, end all to everyone's problems?
Amazing! Can anyone tell me when I have asked Jar Head to get involved with me in anything? In fact, you all recall, I have told him several times, he is not qualified, AND I am not recruiting.
Now, I am not going to call you names or get angry at you because I consider you a Brother of the Sword. However, you really should copy all this information; sit down and read it over a few times. Then, just file it away as an educational experience. Like I said, I don't work with certain types of personalities. It is not profitable.
H. If you think it is easy, go pick a decent company if you know how to select a good company and make it work. Don't ask me because you know business and therefore you don't need my advice.
Your Response: Exactly. So can we talk about trucking now?
If you have not noticed, I have stated business education relates to all businesses and that includes trucking:
Management Levels,
Customer Service
Quality Service
Sales of Service, to include those who represent the company: The Truck Driver/or/Owner Operator.
I. I am just giving you free education.
Your Response: Thanks. It's worth what we all paid for it.
Most people do not appreciate what is free in life and that is the reason most people have and are failing in life. Who pays for all the ignorance in life? We all do, as we are all on the same boat and when it sinks we all go down together.
J. Fascinating. And far too many Soldiers live up to the term "Doggy's". Just because you have relatives in the Marine Corps does NOT mean you have any insight into how it's run.
Lets see now, did I not mention the MLM structure of the Military? I know in at least one of my posts, I mentioned I retired from the military and have worked in many aspects of Management to include: city management, and many special assignments-mostly 25 man detachments consisting of half civilian and the rest joint service. DOD Assignment where I was a go-be-tween for the US Government and the Minister of Communications at the Blue House (South Korea's White House).
My qualifications are not in question here my friend. You are the one who opened up this conversation showing your total lack of understanding of the business world.
Now, welcome to the Corporate Structure (MLM) of the Trucking Industry. I hope you have learned something that will give the company you will drive for a qualified representative who cares about Customer Service.
Man, that is an awful lot for you to try to understand, but I really hope you take it serious.
You see, most people in this world are failing as per US Department of Labor Statistics, Bankruptcy and Foreclosure statistics, etc. So, if you have not learned the fact you understand nothing about the world of Independence, then you will never make it as an Owner Operator, and maybe not even a company driver.
So far, all you have accomplished her is your no nothing attitude by laying it all in the street for everyone to see.
When you put down the Independent, you have put down Independence and that my friend is what this country was founded upon. It is the very reason many want to be Owner Operators and or chose a business where they are not restricted or watched over every minute by some clown who probably does not have the mentality to understand "some people don't need supervision!"
Those who become rich in the business world are such people. Just suppose, the drafters of the Declaration of Independence would of all bulked and said, "I'm going to wait and see how this goes!" Lets say, what if Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and George Washington would have made such a remark? Where would our country be today?
Under the Union Jack, my friend. That is the difference between you and myself. You served this country in the uniform of the United States Marine Corps, but what and why did you serve. What purpose was your time in service?
Many people take the plunge in the business world and many fail; i.e. Owner Operators, Truck Companies, Convenience Store Owners, Motels, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Real Estate Agents, Marketing Companies of all kinds and many fail. With your attitude, you have no place to start and no place to go.
If you are to be successful you must learn the Twelve Steps of Goal Setting and Goal Getting. Until you learn how to do this, you will be in the pool of the majority spinning your wheels and end up in Povertyville! Then again, there is no guarantee of success, even if you know. Don't ask me about the 12 Steps as that is your responsibility to go out and learn something.
Have you ever read, Victor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning"? It is the psychology of Survival in a Concentration Camp, and it gives you the meaning of survival in a cold, cruel, and impossible world.
The business world is the same. Trucking or Independent Marketing. It is the same ball game with different levels of opportunity. So, call it preaching if you want, but what it boils down to is the fact that discovering you future requires three things: Vision, Positive Attitude and Action. With out these three attributes, you don't stand a chance.
Good luck! Business is the Business of America! Just ask any owner operator! Then, ask him/her why they love independence.They may not have the business education, but they have the attitude; they have a vision and they take the action necessary to be successful. The rest is luck and the draw of the cards; "Life!"
weekly meeting/dog and pony show/bait and switch gathering at the neighbors house.
There are two type of people:
Those who make money!
Those who make excuses!
(2003 - between 27,000 and 28,000 brand new millionaires-USA: where else in the business world?)
Make any money off this little pyramid dealio yet? Tell the truth.
What is a Pyramid?
What is a Ponzi?
Business ethics and respect?
Your next Lessons? -
It is pretty much common sense though, so if you have an interest, just copy and save for reading later. If you like some great book references, I would be happy to give them. Some of the titles are pretty catchy; especially one I enjoyed reading many years ago. "You Can't Steal Second With Your Feet On First". I don't remember the author though, and it is not a book of depth, as it is just basic common sense stuff.
I guess, I got this way just because I had an interest in a lot of different subjects so I read a variety of books, to include business. However, my primary interest is sociology and psychology. No degree! Just some college classes and some additional reading. This put me on the path to analyzing people and patterns in our world, economy and government. However, I am far from a master at anything.
It is just fun stuff; at least for me! And I try to use it in a way, not to really put anyone down. At least, not an a mean spirited way.
Opinionated? Yes, but then I think I earned it! Grey hair and all!
But then we all know older folks don't know anything, really!?!
Thanks again! -
Q: Is or is not this forum titled "assistece in finding a good company?
Well ! all 142 rambling's MIGHT be " a good company" BUT, WHAT pray tell, does it have to do with trucking?
He's needs his own forum!
I don't think his nonsense belongs here. Oh, I have not read ANY of his posts in full because he is soft in the squash and makes little or no sense.
FYI "LUCKY", I own my own business and my real estate holdings exceed $12M. I'm semi retired. I drive for the fun of it...
Go back into the woods and find Sasquatch... maybe he'll sign up and send you $12 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -
John,don't load up on all this studying too much,like per deim etc. Just get started somewhere with a decent company,schneider,milllis is a good choice,don't procastinate on too many things,you will probably not pick the perfect match for you from the start of your career in trucking. You will learn as you get experienced,you will not know what your final job will be that you want or at best at,like flats,reefers,tankers,heavy hauls,etc. Just decide on a company and go for it,you will probably have to start at somewhere near 28 to 32,but it won't be for long,you can do better as you get experienced along the way. Me and my whole family are truckers for quite a few years,don't ever let anyone have you believe we are a bunch of losers,some of us have been thru multiple marriages lost and gained,houses cars etc,but still,thru driving a truck,you can get up again,have a nice marriage,house,cars,motorcycles etc,you can't do that in many jobs,but trucking works for me and my family and always has, Best of luck to you,keep us informed.
Hello everyone:
Nice to see that we got back on track. I saw so many posts going back and forth about other topics. Well, that is what happens on forums, people sometimes get carried away, which is ok by me. Well, to make a long story short. I was accepted by Schnieder National. Oringinally, I was going to go bulk regional with them, but seeing that I wanted a long haul solo job and I couldn't get it, I decided on solo van instead. I know after a year or so I can eventually choose a better company like Crete (which accepted me also), or a flatbed company. However, as some of you have stated, it would be better if I start somewhere, get my feet wet and learn what I need to right now.
Currently, I am studying for my CDL permit for NY state and once I am done I can leave for training before the end of this month. Personally, I cannot wait to get started. I am mentally and physically ready for it. I just want to go to training and learn what I need so I can survive on the road. I have seen a lot of Schnieder van truckers on the road and I think it might be a good match for me. I like trucking because you have freedom, you are not stuck between four walls from 9-5. I hated the cubicles, and the classroom. Now after reading the posts and sharing my opinions with my family, they have changed their opinions about truckers. They no longer see them as losers.
You men/women and families are hard working people who deserve respect! You are the backbone of our country! Without you, we would not be the economic power that we are today! I am glad that I am going to be a trucker. I will enter a career that is like no other. One that has great responsibility and professionalism that anyone can be proud of.
Thanks again, I will keep all of you informed after I pass my permit exam, and when I will begin training. Have a nice weekend.
Your friend,
John -
What does that cost those who have a bank account when society is failing.
Are you proud of the way our country is going and the fact O/O have to eke out a living on BS rates?
Real Estate? Well, when a country is floundering with foreclosure rates rising every day, do you think something might be wrong with the world we live in?
Let me hear your opinions on just how great you are and the fact you are so rich, what advice would you offer the world around you?
Bet you can't or don't know how. Your comments don't impress me one bit.
The world is filled with ignorance. Look at the O/O that file for rates that anyone with any business knowledge would never accept. Those types keep the rates low because shippers know someone will be dumb enough to take the load.
Now, since you are so rich and you are simi retired, what advice would you offer people to help them. Not one comment has been made to show anything I have said is incorrect or inaccurate.
C'mon, lets here what you really know if you know something.
I'm easy. I deal in facts and figures. What do you deal? -
I enjoyed the road out there, but I have never been a homebody.
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