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Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Captain Zoom, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Glad ta help...mostly just passing time though. I don't know anything about their Super South division or anyone running that, sorry...I run east of I35 so about the same size area I guess. (REALITY INTRUSION: Short miles this week because of three trailers in a row with issues that cost me a bunch of time and I just lost a good load because of this one :biggrin_25516:. Gonna have to hand it off and see what else they can get me. Biggest gripe is trailers that nobody writes up so I get to deal with them. I'm still not going into the hole but will be around 450-500miles short this week...after fuel that means around half rations. Grrr.)
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  3. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Well, shut down early today, they're going to swap me out with another driver in Mt Airy NC so my load can get to it's destination tomorrow before midnight (I don't have the hours to do it). I'll pick up a load going to Rincon GA any time Wed so miles will be in line with original plan but one day behind. Stupid trailer. That's three this week that have spooched up my trip plans...what's so hard about doing a freaking pretrip and taking care of the problem before it multiplies?? Picked one up over the weekend that had five (5) bad tires...recaps coming off, one flat, one flatspotted so bad the belts were showing...take that one across a scale and the DOT guys would line up to beat you. Also the brake lines were dragging the ground. And the brakes were WAAAYYY out of adjustment. You know, when you don't do your job, you screw somebody else over pretty good.
    Okay, rant over. Return to your lives.
  4. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Well, did the math...just under $700 when I settle tomorrow on 2300mi so not as bad as I at first thought. Got two preplans through the weekend so next week's pay off to a good start. Just picked up a repower in Mt Airy NC, gotta drop it in Rincon GA tomorrow, then deadhead down to Palatka FL and grab a preloaded and zip up to Quakertown PA for a quick drop and hook, then two stops in the Atlanta area. Will be done with all that by Monday. Theoretically. Need to get to a Volvo dealership somewhere soon for a recall and to get that #@&% bunk heater looked at, and my driver's steer hub is leaking. Also might look into that weird thing my climate control is doing sometimes. Feeling more social now that I (finally) got a shower and did some laundry. I was smelling so bad the bedbugs were picketing and three of my fleas committed suicide. Funeral tomorrow night. (Tiny little Hearse)
  5. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Re Last post: The money this week works out to a smidge over .30/mi, but that's with more fuel than usual and I took more advances than usual. That figure is after all deductions. I usually net closer to .43 or so after all deductions, fuel, advances, etc. This was a bad week. :biggrin_2552:
  6. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    [​IMG]Here's a pic of a well-armed duck. No reason.
    losttrucker Thanks this.
  7. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Got paid $900. Go figure. Musta forgot to carry the "2"
  8. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Last post didn't post all the way. I did the math again (carried the "2"). I forgot to factor in my fuel discount. Also part of my expenses dropped off (Dart charges you daily, and things like your escrow come off after a while--FHUT comes off yearly after they get enough). Bottom line is I got paid more than I expected. Nice surprise :biggrin_25519:
  9. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    Gonna be in Quakertown PA today, drop and hook and scram--2 stops in Atlanta area Monday. Will be passing my brother's house but no time to stop. Passed my mother's house last night, no time to stop. Life of a trucker.
  10. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
    GAAAAA!!! I screwed up last night...I did a Drop/Hook in Quakertown PA, went up I476 with the intention of picking up Rte 22 to I78 West, heading down I81 south--was gonna stop by the house on my way to Atlanta. I missed my turn and the exits on I476 are approximately 75,000 miles apart. And the whole thing is apparently under siege by terrorist lawn gnomes and everything is under construction. I don't know my way around here too well so I was afraid to get off at the next exit (which was like 25 miles north) in case I found myself on some busy highway with nowhere to turn around. NO answer on CB despite repeated attempts to get some local info. I ended up going all the way to I80 and heading west to pick up I81 South, ran out of hours a little after midnight. Just had breakfast and moving out in a half hour. I did a classic rookie screwup and shafted myself out of 2 hours of running time. So much for going by the house...I thought I'd get a little bonus yee haw time, and now I barely have time to make delivery on schedule. And I get to pay for the fuel for the unnecessary 120 miles. If I were somebody else I'd kick my butt. I'm getting a $@%&!! GPS this week.:biggrin_25521:
  11. Captain Zoom

    Captain Zoom Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    Indianapolis, IN
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