Basic newbie questions

Discussion in 'CRST' started by wmike1, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. paul_4lp

    paul_4lp Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2010
    Fort Myers, FL
    Lets hope he likes $500 checks for teaming !
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    When you check it, CRST does have a pretty good deal for new drivers. They pay for your training with only an 8 month commitment. That's not much to ask.
  4. Truckin2Eat

    Truckin2Eat Medium Load Member

    Jul 2, 2013
    You also have to do 28 days with your trainer. And team for those 8 months.
  5. vinsanity

    vinsanity Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2009
    South Florida
    They are good in that you don't have to pay them back. But the pay is low. Most people make the mistake of jumping ship the second their 8 months is up. That is when you actually start making money there.
  6. jlharder

    jlharder Bobtail Member

    Jun 4, 2013
    Orlando, FL
    So, I'm currently in training for CRST in Waterloo, IA. This is my third week here and their has been others being shipped back from Cedar Rapids due to failing there CRST road tests. All of us have heard since they have came back is way to many different stories. I'm not going into detail about this because I've heard way to many to remember but one stuck out to me the most and we have to pay for our fuel for these trucks and they will reimburse you? If this is true I don't like that because I don't have they money to put 500 or 600 in for fuel. Surely CRST drivers will be issued gas cards. I'm trying my best to make the best out of this situation and I'm busting my butt to do so.
  7. fr8te_sh8ker

    fr8te_sh8ker Medium Load Member

    Jul 8, 2013
    Shouldn't you ask them?
  8. milesandmilesofroad

    milesandmilesofroad Light Load Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    I'm at CRST, 20/10 program is a great program that's available in high freight lanes. Your part of a three man team. Your out 20 days straight, then you get off the truck and the guy that's been off 10 days gets on. High freight lanes means lots of freight going into an area.

    you get 30 days of mileage in 20 days. Downside is that if one of the three drops off the program, the remaining two have to run as a traditional team, until another third person can be located and added.

    If you don't think you can run hard this is not the program for you. CRST has been great to me for 29 years. I will be the first to admit CRST has a bad image and this is based upon a low cpm rate at the start as well as some of the schools that CRST contracts with are not the best and many trainees don't complete the program.
    Skydivedavec Thanks this.
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