Ex Patriot wanting to return to the US

Discussion in 'CR England' started by MikeSmith, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Never had to worry about being mugged or robbed in China. That's one part I really liked.
    Our family physician is a woman Chinese immigrant with an office in Henderson. She does traditional medicine along with American qualifications.
    We catch a direct flight on Hainan Airlines; Las Vegas to Beijing.
    Chinatown Las Vegas if real good also; you probably already know that. She does a lot of shopping there
    for traditional Chinese & Asian foods. That's where I get beer. Best beer I've ever had.
    MikeSmith Thanks this.
  4. MikeSmith

    MikeSmith Guest

    They shut down the beijinger and China smack forum. Demolished bar street. Besides all that, there was no future for me teaching English. Just a gig. A four year working vacation. It was awesome. 20 hours a week. 40 days off in summer. 2 weeks spring festival etc. we were saving $1k US a month . That’s about what we save now but we have a lot more stuff.
  5. MikeSmith

    MikeSmith Guest

    I noticed that they didn’t have that much air traffic. I used to live near LaGuardia in Ny. Much more
  6. MikeSmith

    MikeSmith Guest

    Gotta hang it up. Good Friday at Newburgh by truck stop . I’m in the dog house for driving over hours so two nights in a row no tie tie van Shang how. Catch you later buddy ✌️
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Was the new city, Xiong’an New Area, under construction when you were in Beijing?
    It's planned to eventually merge with Beijing. Quite a project. China goes big with any project.
    Already building subways, rail, city trains, to connect with Beijing.
    China’s Xiong’an New Area development, which is being built near Beijing, will incorporate lessons from COVID-19 and could serve as a model for other cities around the world.
    China's new city to showcase self-sufficient post-COVID ...
    MikeSmith Thanks this.
  8. MikeSmith

    MikeSmith Guest

    I never heard of xion’an. That’s probably not fangshan. I left February 2015 they were just finishing subway line 9 . Fangshan was good to me. There were barely 5 Americans there. They treated us like celebrities
    Chinatown Thanks this.
  9. MikeSmith

    MikeSmith Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2021
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  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Xiong’an New Area is interesting. It will be a high tech city. Very few migrants will live there because there will be very few jobs for them and housing not affordable. A few migrants will be needed for restaurants, etc. but that it.
    Where my condo is in Beijing, a new subway station is being built right across the street. Paid $84K for the condo and it's now valued at $1 million USD. Had several offers for that price, but it's not for sale. It's gated and with security guards, so people can't just wander through there as they please.
    Also building a theme park and movie studio close by.
    MikeSmith Thanks this.
  11. MikeSmith

    MikeSmith Guest

    nice . You’re a millionaire ✌️ My last apartment near the airport was about $500 USD my apartment in fangshan was free with my job, but it would’ve rented for $275 USD. It was brand new very nice and modern in a complex but the area outside the complex was pretty ratty.
    Chinatown Thanks this.
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