Flatbed/Open Deck/Machinery Haulers

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by cpape, Aug 31, 2010.

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  1. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Our company drivers will range from 55K-65K this year. Ind Contractors 150-200K. We haul farm and construction equipment from IA to the Midwest and East Coast. Small company atmosphere, home 36-48 hr/week, new equipment, and great pay. Ind Contractors...we will limit your empty miles, keep your rate per mile high, and get you a FSC. We have an excellent fuel discount (normally around .25/gallon disc from pump price). Questions? Send me a PM. Visit our website for more information, www.papetransfer.com. Rest assured we will tell it like it is.
  2. Truckers Report Jobs

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  3. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    You seriously need drivers, huh. How many guys are you looking for?
  4. Howling Wolf

    Howling Wolf Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2009
    Newark Valley, New York
    cpape; Binghamton Ny out of your hiring area? Have step deck, o/s exp, clean driving rec. 5yrs otr exp. Holler Back if you would like to talk to me.
  5. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Binghamton is not ideal, but might work. Company or ind cont? Home time requirements?
    virgil tatro Thanks this.
  6. virgil tatro

    virgil tatro Medium Load Member

    Mar 26, 2010
    columbus montana
    how about montana??
  7. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Sorry Virgil, but Montana is definitely outside my hiring area
  8. virgil tatro

    virgil tatro Medium Load Member

    Mar 26, 2010
    columbus montana
    thats normal, been dealing with that for years... we were just in minnesota the weekend before last looking at property.. we hope to move soon...
  9. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    If I could pick anywhere in the country to live, Montana might be among the choices. Unfortunately, we gots to go where the work is. When I got married, I told my wife that I would gleady move to Austin, TX (her home), as long as she could convince a certain heavy equipment manufacturer to relocate their factories. If you end up in MN, let me know...even if I can't make it work, I might be able to suggest some good companies.
  10. virgil tatro

    virgil tatro Medium Load Member

    Mar 26, 2010
    columbus montana
    alot of people tell me they would like to live in montana... I agree its pretty but all those miles of open land that you see as you pass through this state, most is private property... huge ranchers own the majority of the state... 11 percent of montana is public land and i was told that six of that 11 is land locked by private land... its beautifull here thats for sure... where I live Columbus I90 exit 408, if you live in the country here you have to haul water, unless you are wealthy enough to live along the yellowstone, then you can get a well... there is a place six miles out of town no electricity no well. one bedroom house on 20 acres for 120.000... is that good maybe to some?? in northern minnesota i can get a six bedroom house on fifteen acres almost all wooded with a 30x60 insulated shop one mile from many lakes for 140.000 its beautifull there also... and there is freight to haul...
    Civilservant Thanks this.
  11. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Virgil--based on my experience, rates in Northern MN are only marginally better than MT. You are getting closer to the area where a trucker can make some money. We prefer the states of MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, WI, IN, OH & KY. MD & PA have even been tough lately.
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