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gettin my cdl thru cr england
Discussion in 'CR England' started by rednecktrucking, Oct 17, 2012.
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R u serious?????? Why not go to real trucking school. Then get year under your belt buy a truck be a real owner op??? look at all horror stories about leasing a truck u r paying for fuel but they govern your truck!! A farmer so what try drive a big semi on highway with car it not the same!!!! If you buy truck out right it's yours you go where u want I hear cr try screw every driver.. plus when u r lease they control your loads
My wife and I have been team lease operators for CRE for almost two years now. Don't let others scare you from leasing but there are rules you need to live by to be successful like we are. Don't lease unless you are going to team or train. It is very hard for a solo lease operator to make ends meet. All our friends who solo leased have gone to other companies. They couldn't make it. Don't turn down loads. Take the good with the bad. You will build a solid relationship with our DM and Planners. Stay off the fuel rebate until you learn your equipment and job beter. You ill make routing mistakes and have to backtrack at first. IE having to drive 100 miles out of your way to get a trailer wash. I would reccoment the Freightliner. We have a cascadia and have had limited problems. Keep your nose clean and low CSA scores. Accidents can end your career. Be safe and best of luck driver
rednecktrucking and Marky84 Thank this. -
Well I got my cold 11 years ago with them and started over again this year
It can be done
You can always choose lease and stuff later long road ahead before that.
I can't imagine being out or with wife and kids left behind but you can Mk money. -
Goto someone else is my advice, and don't lease. If you wanna own a truck save up $30k and put 10k down on a truck and finance one. It seems quite irresponsible to go right into a lease, especially one with England.
At the Kenly 95 truckstop (think a mini Iowa 80) I parked beside a lease truck earlier today, and he was trying to sell me his gps, because he needed money. I refused of course, not only do I have one already England just upgraded the QC our t660s and 387s so we have navigation there too, I wonder if they will bother doing it for thier lease ops, I doubt It. Too often have I seen people at this company trying to sell things or beg at truckstops to make me ever understand why someone would come here and lease. -
cre is closer to my home and i see all the bad comments about them and not to lease and what not but ive had some of my trucker friends tell me is that they have talked to many of cre drivers and they enjoy it. im just tryin to get my feet wet so i can come back home, ive had other truckers tell me the same on team leasing so the truck never stops, and yall ask why i didnt go to another company well its because they never called me back after i had left many messages and i got sick of the bull crap, and everytime i call cre they either answer or call me back theres negative comments and postitive comments about these guys just like any other company out there.
Marky84 Thanks this. -
and i posted this to get advice on it all not to get bashed
The only real good reason to go with them is if they have a dedicated route you want, which is the only reason why I stay, it it is an entirely different ballgame dedicated versus otr. The few months I was out with them otr I could write a book on the shady things they did. -
well i really wanan do the dedicated runs with the lease but will take wat i can get im unemployeed now because i was layed off for an injury that was at the companys fault i know about shadys things, i work on my family farm and got the shaft and baled out cuz it made me pissed that my own father would do that do me but thats besides the point, my wife thinks i can be good at it as do i and i got support from her and some friends, i just really wana do a lease and do a dedicated run close to home, getting no sleep wont brother me none but you may think thats stupid and it may be but if u never take a risk in life youll get no where. ive got the good lord behind me along with my wife pushin me along, yes im neverous as heck but i wanna take a risk and not back peddle either. im gonna be smart about leaseing and do ALL the paper work and will run my ### off to make it thats nothin new to me
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