Getting tired of the Roehl game

Discussion in 'Roehl' started by ETCH5858, Oct 7, 2009.

  1. GypsyWillowDusk72

    GypsyWillowDusk72 Medium Load Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    I don't claim victory in anything. I don't wish bad on any driver. If it's working for you great. I just get pissed when I explain what has happened to me and I'm accused of being negative and such. I and my husband understand that things happen and we would take it in stride. The straw that broke the camel's back was addressed by me in other posts. I had hoped that by posting mine and our experiences others could avoid or sidestep the issues that we encountered. BTW we had thought about becoming O/O's but always decided against it because of the things that were happening. Again good luck to you. If your issues were resolved then I'm happy for you. Just don't dump on people who were not as lucky as you in their dealings with Roehl.
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  3. Satellite

    Satellite Light Load Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Charlotte, NC
    I am new, but what I have seen so far I am impressed with. Some trucks could be replaced though. Most of the complainers most likely never read or used their reference manual.
  4. GypsyWillowDusk72

    GypsyWillowDusk72 Medium Load Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    I sincerely hope you were not referring to me about that comment about the reference manual. I'm always amazed with know it alls that have no first hand knowledge about the facts but still feel entitled to make wise cracks.
  5. ETCH5858

    ETCH5858 Medium Load Member

    Feb 25, 2009

    They are a whole differnt beast on the O/O side. I was about fed up as a company driver. The micro manage thing was getting horrible. I am very lucky and I consider myself blessed to have gotten here. How is your hubby doing at the Pumpkin? Alot of thier drivers seem happy.
  6. Satellite

    Satellite Light Load Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Charlotte, NC
    I was not singling anybody out. I did not mention a name. You singled me out though? Why? You don't need years of experience to know this.
  7. GypsyWillowDusk72

    GypsyWillowDusk72 Medium Load Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    I wasn't saying you were making comments I was just asking if you were suggesting that I didn't read the DRG. Sorry if I offended you.
  8. GypsyWillowDusk72

    GypsyWillowDusk72 Medium Load Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Glad O/O is going well for you. It was the micro managing plus a few other things that finally took it's toll. He is doing well there. As you know all companies have their quirks. He is getting good miles there. As soon as my knee heals I hope to be joining him in Feb as a team. So far they don't seem to have their thumbs on top of a driver. Maybe in the future we can go O/O with them.
  9. Satellite

    Satellite Light Load Member

    Jun 15, 2009
    Charlotte, NC
    At orientation there were drivers with 20 plus years of experience and they were very shocked at how Roehl was treating them. They kept saying Roehl was the most organized outfit they had ever seen.
  10. Paddington

    Paddington Medium Load Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I know the economy is bad and all...but any driver with 20-plus years experience hiring-on to Roehl has some serious problems.

    I pulled for Roehl for 2 years before I moved on to an LTL job. Roehl was and probably still is a decent place to cut your teeth in the truckin biz...and that's about it.

    Still have good memories of Roehl...are you guys pulling loads out to Rifle, CO anymore? Always had a blast running out that way. Don't miss Atlanta too much. Ditto for Chicago.

    My favorite load was a 4-stopper of those big, industrial Greenheck fans. One to a resort in Lake Tahoe, second to Las Vegas NV to the Excalibur hotel & casino, 3rd stop at the Santa Monica pier where they've got that big Ferris wheel, and last stop at the famed Hotel del Coronado down in San Diego. Man, when I die and go to the great big Petro in the sky...I wanna keep hauling that load for eternity!!!! :biggrin_25519:
  11. spinpsychle

    spinpsychle Medium Load Member

    Oct 29, 2008
    New Brighton, MN
    Ooh... that is a good run. Yeah, those fans can go to some interesting places.
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