I'm going with Swift!!!

Discussion in 'Swift' started by OpenRoadGuy, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    I had another thought and you may have this covered. Internet service will be limited to "hot zones" at the truck stops. The use is going to cost (ie. $2 hr.). Depending on how much posting and surfing you plan to do and if it's in your budget (assuming you have the time) you may want to investigate an air card. Not all of the places you'll be stopping at for the night will have internet available. This way you can be on-line 24/7.

    Just an FYI
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  3. BigT1033

    BigT1033 Bobtail Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Ive used the the wifi at pilot and loves, you can pay by the hour, 24 hrs runs you 4.95, and monthly if I remember is around 30 bucks...BigT
    AfterShock, Wedge and Wyldfyur Thank this.
  4. Infofrog

    Infofrog Bobtail Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Evansville, Indiana
    What about an I phone ? Phone and internet 24/7
  5. mike76

    mike76 Light Load Member

    Sep 3, 2009
    I have a BlackBerry and I use it as a modem. I have unlimted data plan. As long I don't download a movie or video. I will be ok. If there a signal on my phone. I can get on the net anywhere in the country.
    Wedge, AfterShock and BobMac Thank this.
  6. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    I think ORG and CHRALB who drives for W/S will be doing some heavy interfacing with TTR. They'll want the full features of their laptops.

    Plus they've both developed a decent following from the their training thread "help a trucker wannabe out" (which is a good read). The laptop will come in handy.
    sammycat and AfterShock Thank this.
  7. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    There may not be enough communication flexibility with just a phone. I'm not saying you can't get it done, but when your alone in your truck for days on end, it's nice to have the conveniences of home at your fingertips.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  8. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    I'm due for an upgrade and will most likely look in to something like a Blackberry. I have a Nextel service and have no complaints. They have some great plans. I need to keep the laptop going, though. Less eye strain.

    Sorry ORG...I'm not hijacking your thread. Just making conversation with the folks.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  9. mike76

    mike76 Light Load Member

    Sep 3, 2009
    yes, if your stuck waiting for a load. then going off the truck stop cable is better. I do get full use of the net using my Blackberry. For drivers wanting to save some money. terhing is a good option. I have net on my phone and also on my laptop, But the laptop is free.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  10. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    I'm a procrastinator when it comes to phone upgrades. I've got a great Motorola phone, but it's basically just a phone. You can run over it with the truck and it'll still work. Nothing like mil. specs.

    Needed a phone with some real "teeth". The hearing ain't the best these days.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  11. MaximumTexas

    MaximumTexas Light Load Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Congrats ORG, I wish you the absolute best of success from Texas!!

    I'm in CDL school (top student at the college CDL course that I paid for, scored 94, 100, 98 on all tests so far) and have been reading your posts with interest.

    I too will be looking at different companies and will work for the company that agrees to my demands (wink).

    (1)Free Truck Stop Wi-Fi
    (2)Hookers that take food stamps
    (3)Recruiters that will let me hook them up to my
    polygraph machine for intense questioning

    Home Time?? Ha, not for me, I hate my house, unemployment sucks, the neighborhood turned ghetto and I need cash.

    I know all of you are going to say that I will hate the road, trucking, truck stops, blah, blah, blah, blah so I will post after I find the right company to turn a key for. I will inform you of my decision of who to work for on the forum before I let the outside world know. I will also let you know how much I dig the road and trucking. I don't expect to get rich, but I do expect to bust my #####, pay some bills and eventually buy a mail order bride from Kentucky.

    FYI, I come from a trucking family, 3 generations, pi$$ed off and old school.
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