I'm going with Swift!!!

Discussion in 'Swift' started by OpenRoadGuy, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. rayodeluz

    rayodeluz Heavy Load Member

    Jun 2, 2010
    Thasnks Wedge! Would that school be New England Tractor Trailer Training?
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  3. RenegadeTrucker

    RenegadeTrucker Road Train Member

    Dec 25, 2009
  4. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    It might be, but I'm not positive.

    I'm trying to find the thread where the discussion took place. I'll keep looking. You don't need to know right away, do you? There are thousands of pages I've been looking at. It may have been either a W/S, Roehl or Prime thread. I'll keep digging.
    rayodeluz Thanks this.
  5. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    ORG needs a company that has terminals in the area of his new home. Besides, he needs to start someplace, it might as well be with Swift. I think he'll make work.
  6. chralb

    chralb Road Train Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Where the truck is
    Well, I left 2 messages on his phone and haven't heard anything which is odd. We talked almost every night during the app process. I sure hope everything's OK with him and his family.

    Perhaps he just doesn't have an Internet connection where he is?
    sammycat Thanks this.
  7. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    Or perhaps he is like the one legged man at the butt kicking party. :biggrin_25524:Extremely busy and harassed!:biggrin_25526:
    sammycat Thanks this.
  8. sammycat

    sammycat "Oldest Hijackerette"

    Apr 11, 2010
    Rochester, NY
    Most likely ORG is busy- first week lots to do. I'm pretty sure he should have internet but, Hey ya never know.......

    Just goes to show you ORG that we want to make sure you are okay!!!!!
  9. Wedge

    Wedge Road Train Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Griffin, Georgia
    This is orientation day +4. If memory serves, they should be rapping it up today, and he'll be ready to join up with his mentor. We may get a serious update tonight.

    I hope his wait isn't too long. Sometimes the training center terminal locations dictate how quickly mentors are available.

    Talk about drama...................
    sammycat Thanks this.
  10. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    Let me just add, for anyone seriously considering attending Big truck truck drivin' school, it's not only a "great read" ---
    it's a Must Read.

    If y'all read the entire thread and aren't completely satisfied, you'll be refunded twice the price that y'all paid for it.

    "Home" is just a four letter word.

    You won't hear (or read) me say that, amigo. :biggrin_25512:
    Of course you do realize that there will be those who won't be able to comprehend how that's possible, and consider you to be Semi Crazy, right?

    ***Side bar, ........ (Junior Brown has a CD titled Semi Crazy containing a song with the same title. It's worth a listen, IMO. Who knows? It could become someone's theme song.)
    I hear those mail order catalogs are in color now-a-daze. 'Bout time.
    I mean, it would be pretty obvious where a bride came from if she were black and white, like the catalog illustrations.

    Better to be:pottytrain3: "off" than :pottytrain3:on.
    Ya reckon. :smt112 :smt045 :smt036

    That might work.
    The ultimate test would be spending an entire night at any of the truck stops in West Memphis, and not be awakened by any commercial company inquiring if you want a "date" for a short time. (No extra charge for anything y'all might catch during dating activities).
    Three (or more) nights with the same results would rate your magnetic sign right up thar with my full color, life sized poster of Janet Reno sittin' in the jump seat. :biggrin_25521::biggrin_2551:
    A picture is worth a thousand where to go's and what to do when they get thar's.

    Speak for yourself, amigo.
    If we don't hear SOMEthing soon, I'm gonna sign up for a refresher course at some CDL mill, and find a company like CRE that'll hire me, get a Big truck assigned to me, then go a-lookin' for ORG myself. :biggrin_25525:

    I agree.

    :clock: :smt108 :homework: :smt087 :smt090

    sammycat Thanks this.
  11. rayodeluz

    rayodeluz Heavy Load Member

    Jun 2, 2010
    Nope, I'm in no rush. NETTT is probably the most well-known school in CT, and people speak highly of it (although I hear it's a bit costly...I think someone said $9,600). It's the first that came to mind.
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