Just received an offer today at my interview

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by mwehrle, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. Paddlewagon

    Paddlewagon Light Load Member

    Sep 17, 2017
    Llano Estacado
    I would be on that like a hobo on a ham samich!!
    misterG, TripleSix and Woodys Thank this.
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  3. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    I'm leaning towards taking it. It's a great opportunity that will lead to good things in time. Brand new terminal that is growing. If I want to be in this business I think I'd be stupid not to accept.
    Paddlewagon and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  4. KMB

    KMB Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2017
    I'm currently at OD as a part-time dockworker looking to do P&D preferably (or linehaul if needed) after I go through their driver training program. I know the money is better in linehaul, but I'd prefer the daytime work of P&D for the sake of my young family. I was told that I needed to be there at least 6 months (I've been there 5 months as of tomorrow) before I can start the program. There is another part-time dockworker ahead of me who is going through the program. I believe I'm next in line.

    I have my CDL-A already, but not recent experience (it's been over 10 years since I've drove a tractor-trailer). So I'll be going through their full driver training program.
    Mooseontheloose Thanks this.
  5. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    Thanks for your post, very helpful. Let me ask you, do you ever work more than 30 hours or is 30 pretty much the norm?

    I'm still trying to decide to take it or not. If it was solely my decision I would take it, but I have to convince my wife that it will be worth it to take a pay cut now for better things to come down the road, e.g., getting into a driving position.
    KMB Thanks this.
  6. KMB

    KMB Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2017
    I haven't seen 30 hours yet, and at our terminal (Springfield, MO), I don't think I'll ever see that many hours in a week. It has been roughly 3.5 hours (+\-) per shift. It's supposed to be picking up soon and on into the summer. This is my second job, meaning I have another job during the day, and work at OD in the evening (4pm till we're done moving freight). If all goes as planned to go through the driver training program, I'll be quitting the my other day job.

    I wish there were more hours at OD, but I'm glad I'm in the door.
  7. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    Are they talking to you in terms of 6 months and you'll be attending the CDL training class or are they talking to you in terms of you're next the next time they need a new driver?

    My terminal manager said he couldn't offer me any guarantees on a timeline.
  8. KMB

    KMB Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2017
    My terminal manager almost said the exact same thing about couldn't guarantee a timeline.

    The 6 months I was referring to was 6 months from when I was hired. So I wouldn't be able to go through the program until the beginning of next month anyway (even if they needed a driver).

    As I mentioned already, there is another part-time dockworker currently going through the program. From what I understand, I'm the next in line (at my 6th month, to go through the program) for when they'll be needing another driver.

    Hope that makes sense.
  9. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    Yes it makes sense. Sounds like you're in a good spot and will get in the class in the not too distant future.

    For my part, I think I ought to take the part-time dock position, do a good job and wait until my time comes to enter the driver training school. The fact that it's a brand new terminal (5 weeks old) means there is bound to be growth in the form of new driving positions opening up. I think I'm in a good spot. Now I just have to convince my wife that taking a pay cut now will be worth it long term. I suppose if I had to I could get another part-time job until I enter their CDL training school.
    KMB Thanks this.
  10. KMB

    KMB Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2017
    I'm thinking the other dockworker will have to be completely done with the program first before it's my turn; maybe June/July of this year, I don't know.

    Getting yourself another part-time job sounds like a good idea.
  11. mwehrle

    mwehrle Light Load Member

    Feb 24, 2018
    Ogden, Utah
    Nice. And you're looking to go P&D right because you want to work during the day?

    I have a small business on the side that makes about 3k per month so I may be able to get by without getting another part-time job. It's going to depend upon how many hours they are giving me at OD. Would be nice tro get my entire 30. About how many hours did you say you are averaging per week there?
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