How can this be? On Englands website it says Idepedent Contractors "And your guaranteed to only pay $1.25 per galon of diesel" How can they do this if diesel is $2.75 to $3.25 a gallon?
Making Money With C.r.england.
Discussion in 'CR England' started by skullitor, Jul 24, 2006.
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Thanks Tip, I'm Having Kind Of A Rough Day But Your Response With The Half Day Later In Parethesis Cracked Me Up. Have A Good One
If your truck gets 6 mpg and you get .33 FSC then you would be paying $1.25 out of your line haul money. -
I just looked at CRE's program. It looks like the whole lease deal works more in their favor than the driver. I am seeing this with a whole bunch of company lease plans. It make me not want to even entertain the idea of a lease.
I started with them and ran Q-Fleet (that program was being phased out so it may not be around anymore). I almost fell for their lease program until I got a hold of their contract. DON'T DO IT!!! Bad ju-joo.
There are better companies to run with that will get you some real miles and real pay. -
With 8 months you can get in with a company that will pay better, get you better miles, better benefits, and better equipment. CRE will burn you if you don't play their game.
I have worked for two companies that I have had no problems with and get excellent referrals from.
Stay away from CRE, they have a revolving door policy. -
"To make it with CRE (or any company) it all goes back to your dispatcher (CRE DM). If you have a good relationship with them then things will go smooth. To run as a lease op (he does not recommend it) you need a pile of cash on hand. Run as a company driver first for a a few months to see if the company will work for you, first. Then weigh your options. Run the truck as your own. Know your cost per mile, how much it costs to live on the road. Know your bills at home, especially if your married. Make sure trucking is what you want to do.
If all that works out then DON'T lease. Buy your truck from a dealer."
His truck was 2 years old (FL Century with 150,000 on it when he bought it). He paid $1,500 a month but doubled his payments. Total he paid $1,800 for his contract authority (includes all state filings) with $300 monthly payments for paperwork handling. Sorry, don't have the company he went through. He also keeps $10,000 in a seperate personal account for emergency use and repairs. This was in addition to what CRE required.
In short, there are exceptions in every company. But if people want their truck remember this. You still don't have complete freedom. You turn down loads you are are not going to be paid and you will piss off the dispatch. You can't take home time whenever you want, you still have bills to pay. You can't have whomever you want on the truck, unless you want ungodly insurance costs. You still have to abide by company policy for whomever you are running for at the time. O/O or L/O there is a little freedom but not much.
Something to consider, whomever you drive for. -
I'll run this with no surcharge. Figures are only for demonstration.
Your truck averages 6.5mpg (FL Century Class). You average 2500 miles a week 357 average miles per day.
On 200 gallon tanks you get 1270 miles per 200 gallons. At an average of $2.50 per gallon you fill up 2 times to run a full month. That's $1000 per month.
The other driver gets 4.5mpg (FL Classic). Driver averages 2500 miles per week 357 average miles per day.
200 gallon tanks get the driver 890 miles per 200 gallons. At an average of $2.50 per gallon that driver fills up 3 times to run a full month costing $1,500 per month.
NOW, Bot you and the other driver are only charged $1.10 per gallon. Who makes up the difference for the other drivers low miles per gallon? Not the company that's thousands of dollars per month. CRE takes the average of these two trucks and charges you the difference for this drivers driving style and low truck mpg. You make up his costs!
This is not all that uncommon as it keeps more money in the company pockets so don't think CRE is the only one who does it. Keep track of your fuel purchases, cost per mile for fuel, and what the company is doing. Then DEMAND to see your fuel record costs the company is charging you.
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