My Crst Malone EXperience

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by bigmain75, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion
    Thanks for the info. It has been a dream of mine to own my own truck and it is just staying in the back of my mind. I did own one for 2 months last year and due to wife's medical problem at the time I had to sell it. I guess I am just trying to put the pieces in place to see what would best fit for me. I don't think it will happen anytime soon but I am just asking questions.

    I have noticed that the company that I went to work for last week has owner operators running for them maybe if I save my money up again for a down payment on a decent truck I can pull for them since I will have experience with them.

    Have a great day and thanks for the input
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  3. Polarbear857

    Polarbear857 Light Load Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Coatesville pa
    There is no reason you can't make good money and still be home every weekend. What's the difference if you make $5000 a wk and be out 3-4 weeks or make the same mon-fri. Plus you live in a good freight lane.
    popcorn169 Thanks this.
  4. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    well, as of right now, Malone has gone back to paper logs for pure owner operators. don't know when that'll change but right now, owner operators can go without e-log installation
  5. ChipW

    ChipW Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Chester, SC
    Welp, my respect for Malone just got skyrocketed. I messed up. I got a load out of Detroit to California that paid VERY well. So I snatched up my little brother and took him for a ride. Rather than calling the company and getting him put on my insurance, I just hit the road. I knew better, but did it anyway.

    I was pulled into a scale house in California for a level one inspection (which I passed) and the officer was a bit of a pain. He wrote me up for not having my last 7 days logs and current day even though I am on elogs and yes, I informed him about the qualcomm elogs, I handed him the elog card and unit so he could review my logs, he refused them and told me I had to have printed copies on hand at all times. He also wrote up me for having an unauthorized passenger. Both violations were taken off by his supervisor before the report was printed. But the officer that wrote the violations called Malone and let them know about my brother.

    I was forced into a company yard so they could "talk" to me. As soon as I arrived they disabled my starter so I couldn't take off. By 10 am my lease was canceled. However, the whole time, my fleet manager and the head of his office was fighting for me to keep my job. They continued to fight until they finally won at 5 pm. My starter was enabled again and I got a call from the head of safety letting me know I was clear to continue my lease.

    Most people would have stopped fighting once the lease was canceled, but the folks in the office I run out of didn't stop and I can't thank them enough. Malone now has my undying respect. These people fought their hearts out to keep a good driver that made a mistake. And for the record, I didn't make excuses for not getting my brother authorized. I let them know I was willing to take the punishment I knew was coming. And they still fought for me.
    Travelinman Thanks this.
  6. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    I know a lot of people in the Operations Department and I applaud your patience. I am also happy that your communication to Safety was successful because many of the problems that we drivers face are due in large part to a breakdown in communication. Drivers and operations personnel are all human beings and all of them have bad days. Whether it was Chuck, Craig or Vicki, you are dealing with genuine people who have rules to uphold but they listen to reason and will stand up for any driver if they have a statute to stand on. If they don't, emotion cannot play a part.

    To your continued success.

  7. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion

    Glad it worked out for you and you got to keep your job. How long have you been with them and how are you liking it? How is the equipment?
  8. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    I heard just recently that there was a dedicated run from South Ohio to Roanoke, VA that paid pretty well. You would have to call the Middleton office to find out about it. Google them for their number. I don't talk to them much.
  9. maloneguy

    maloneguy Bobtail Member

    Oct 18, 2013
    Just to reply to your post as well. As of now, no e-logs for owner-operators. I spoke to the Safety department and they are hanging with it. No e-logs until the government mandates it or something, I guess.
  10. RSB34

    RSB34 Light Load Member

    Feb 9, 2013
    Guess you don't run out of rockport. I am being charged for my securement equipment that I returned yes I have a piece of paper proving it was returned.
    collections said until I get Jeff to call them and tell the I was authorized to drop equipment in Carlisle pa. I owe them the 500 left on the equipment. jeff the one that runs rockport will not return my calls for two weeks. I gave them two weeks notice returned as per my lease and they are fighting me tooth and nails. The person at collections said off the record most drivers give up by now and pay the money to get it over with that tells me this is the way they treat a lot of drivers.
    a way to get extra money. then I told her we would go to court if need be I need that money. so if nothing else watch your back with them at all times.
  11. ChipW

    ChipW Light Load Member

    Nov 12, 2007
    Chester, SC
    I've only been with Malone for 2 months (another reason I was surprised they fought for me). But honestly, I love it here. I love the freedom. I don't depend on anyone to find my loads for me and I don't have to use Malone's load board. I haul many Landstar loads too. The way I see it, since I'm in charge of finding my own loads, I can't blame anyone but myself if I fail. The same goes for anyone that has failed here, it's on them and no one else.

    The equipment, although newer, has a lot of miles. These are the CRST Van trucks and they run only teams. So there is a lot of wear and tear on them and a LOT of miles. My truck has been pretty good so far. I had some air valve fail and that put me on the back of a tow truck, but Malone called around and found a place that could take me the same day. I was fixed up that night.

    I found the night and weekend people to be a bit lazy, but the day time guys and gals during the week are very nice and on top of things.

    Anyway, I think the truck is fairly priced. I have a 2010 and at the end of the day I'm paying 32k. I researched trucks with about the same mileage and the same year and almost always found them to be more expensive by at least 10k.
    Loke and popcorn169 Thank this.
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