Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by skateboardman, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Flightline

    Flightline Road Train Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Almost There
    Maybe Mercer drivers are just not complainers. Kinda hard for some of us to complain if we just sitting at home. LOL
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  3. flatbed22

    flatbed22 Light Load Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    Wesley Chapel, NC
    Putting going to California aside to start the year. I've done my usual stuff and the rates haven't changed. There is just not as much of it because it's winter. I can't complain. My only goal for me this January was to learn from my mistakes last January.

    I've tightened up my lanes and so far so good. I just came home for a 34. I delivered yesterday 85 miles from home. I had my wife come pick me up so I didn't have to deadhead home and then back again to pick up near there lol .

    Monday I have NC to KY, Then I goto Louisville KW about a truck. Then Louisville to AR.
    That puts me 68 miles from an ole reliable reload. Looking for something home and will probably stay home for a few days. I have 13k in for the month so far.
  4. Flightline

    Flightline Road Train Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    Almost There
    Flatbed22, You getting a new KW?
  5. flatbed22

    flatbed22 Light Load Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    Wesley Chapel, NC
    I'm torn on that. I'm normally against that. Larry said he has some good used choices with APU's. I would appreciate any advice.
  6. flatbed22

    flatbed22 Light Load Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    Wesley Chapel, NC
    I just cannot get myself to like this ultrashift. It's a good truck though. And I love KWs. I miss my W9.
  7. James Burris

    James Burris Bobtail Member

    Jan 3, 2014
    Dont make the mistake i did by buying used and not having that truck dyno'd. I was also told you can drive that truck ur thinking of buying into any scale and ask them to do a dot insp on it and any flaws found on it can then be paid by the dealership (if ur buying from a dealership that is...a individual probaly not), anywho, if that truck has been sitting awhile u will hav to no doubt replace wheel seals and stuff like that which will cost u the amount of the dyno and the dyno will cause that flaw to come to ur attention or at least it should then the dealership will fix it if they want to sell u the truck bad enough
    flatbed22 and Bigdubber Thank this.
  8. cpenn

    cpenn Light Load Member

    Feb 17, 2013
    Hey Skateboard was nice finally meeting you today. Next time maybe we can both have more time to chat. I did do better than you BTW. I got out of there about 1 o'clock.
  9. flatbed22

    flatbed22 Light Load Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    Wesley Chapel, NC
    I thought I would post my week to give some of you guys that are wondering what freight looks like at Mercer in the winter. I'm just giving what I do and there are many others that do it different and are happy too.

    This past Monday NC to KY 520 loaded miles 35 miles deadhead paid 2.25 p/m 7500lbs no tarp

    KY to AR 657 loaded miles 85 mile deadhead pays 1.97 p/m 37000lbs 6ft tarp

    AR to NY 1315 loaded miles 65 D/H pays 2.22 p/m 41000lbs no tarp Hazmat. delivers Monday.

    Total Gross $5383.59 For the week. Plug in your own expenses.
    281ric Thanks this.
  10. James Burris

    James Burris Bobtail Member

    Jan 3, 2014
    Do they add a little more pay in for the dead head miles? I see ur dead head miles arent that much too worry about but just curious. I spoke to a recruiter the other day and i think he said something getting paid $1.65(?) for all dead head miles(???). Im thinking about coming to Mercer soon...
  11. 281ric

    281ric Road Train Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    Thanks for sharing that. How much does Mercer take from the gross? Seems like a good company.
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