I just bumped into your thread Skateboardman. Thank you for taking the time to update us on your life at Mercer. :smt023
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by skateboardman, Jul 3, 2012.
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i just checked again,, NO AGE LIMIT on trucks, just have to pass inspection at louisville -
well, after i deliver monday morning the numbers for the week from monday to monday will be as follows, columbia,sc to arab,al, then bessemer ,al to crawfordville,in, then indiana to belle chasse , la . the columbia load had 3 miles deadhead, the bessemer load was about 90 miles deadhead, and the indiana load was 80 mile deadhead . i had 173 miles empty, and loaded miles of 1700. total revenue to the truck of 3800. less daily cost and maint fund and fuel of 1900 , leaving 1900 for the week clear.
one load load was 6000 pounds and 4 straps, the 2d was 42000 with one 16 x24 4 foot tarp, the last one was 22,000 4 chain s and binders on the rubber wheeled articulated forklift.
didnt break a sweat, was parked by 9 each night, just a easy peasy lemon sqeezy week for an old guy. no worries, no stress, just took it as it comes.DEMO Thanks this. -
I see a Mercer truck parked alot in Colorado Springs, sometimes I wonder who works less him or me LOL
Nice thread, please keep it going.Last edited: Jul 22, 2012
One of my favorite threads on the board so far. I like how Skateboard explains things. I'm looking to get on with Melton in January after a ticket clears off my CSA that prevented me from driving with them last month. Then I want to do about a year or two and buy my own truck. Talked with a gentleman that was with Mercer for a few months and he had nothing but high praise for them. Stated they assisted him in everything except the purchase of his truck.
One question I have for you Skateboard, how much do you put away for income taxes out of your gross each week? I've heard to put away as much as 35% then some say you only need to put away 25%. -
joecitizen Thanks this.
I think for awhile there they said it had to be a 97 or newer. I think they thought like the rest of us did that in the not so distant future the government was going to be craming e-logs down everyones throats. So instead of leasing on a bunch of guys with non-electronic trucks, then having to terminate their lease down the road they put an age limit on. Now that it appears that is not ever going to happen they lifted the restriction, as long as the truck is in sound shape and presentable.
joecitizen Thanks this. -
Eobr's on new trucks I can see, and maybe even e-logs on new trucks. But for what is out on the road currently I don't see it. Sorry to go off topic on your thread skateboardman.
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