My FFE experience

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by wpmclam, Feb 12, 2010.

  1. hiker

    hiker Bobtail Member

    Jul 14, 2010
    west coast
    Hey Lonewolf.. how long did you work for FFE, and why did you leave?? If you do not mind me asking,
    Also if you would, did you go through their training at Pine Bluff??
    Again thanks
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  3. lonewolf4ad

    lonewolf4ad Road Train Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Displaced to Colorado
    (1) I was with FFE from 1-1-09 until march 2010.
    (2) Reasons I left
    (a) improperly maintained equipment
    (b) fighting with payroll for weeks on end
    (c) problems with getting loads, and other bs with dispatchers - given that is common with most carriers
    (d) get stuck in the dallas area for a week en route to the house (I only lived 3 hours from the yard)

    (3) Yes I did go through Pine Bluff, and it's a joke of a school.
  4. razorsharp

    razorsharp Bobtail Member

    Jul 3, 2010
    Great Lakes
    Im considering goin to the school in Pine Bluff, AR in a couple of weeks what should I expect. Do they really pay $50 a week for food? Is the traning good?
  5. lonewolf4ad

    lonewolf4ad Road Train Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Displaced to Colorado
    $50 a week for food, the group is expected to go to wal-mart on monday and everyone buy what they need for the week. There is a dollar general right across the highway.

    now as far as the school you will have 3 days of class following which you will go and take the written test for your training permit. After that you will drive tore down piece of crap trucks on the "green mile". When I went only 1 of the 2 trucks on the mile had a heater. Then there are 2 areas where you will practice backing NEITHER of those had heaters and the average temp when I was training was around 50.

    After a few days you will begin running loads with 1 of the 2 trainers, if you can (and he's there) get with the short stocky black guy (canr't remember his name) he'll teach you to shift smooth....

    as far as learning the pretrip, it's 108 pts, and pretty easy to memorize (no you don't really learn what it is from them).
  6. DWB814

    DWB814 Bobtail Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    who pays for the 90 day temp. AR license? hows the 90 day temp. AR license work? why can` t i use my home state permit?
  7. lonewolf4ad

    lonewolf4ad Road Train Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Displaced to Colorado
    You can't be licensed by 1 state to drive in another (ex: OK cannot give a TX license) because some states have stricter driving tests or written than others. If I remember correctly the school will pay for up to 3 tests as well as the temp license. I only had my AR temp for 1 week, the way my schedule worked out with holidays as well as my finishing the school a few days earlier (3 in my class did this) allowed me to go home for Christmas break. While I was at home I just had to pay the $25 to get my license back as a Texas CDL.
  8. DWB814

    DWB814 Bobtail Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    did u have to get an AR permit as well as a cdl? so, i would go to the driver place at my home state and apply like i am new here and pay a fee and get a photo card. after i have an AR license.
  9. razorsharp

    razorsharp Bobtail Member

    Jul 3, 2010
    Great Lakes
    Is it $50 cash? I just put my app in how long does the process take before they send you to the school?
  10. lonewolf4ad

    lonewolf4ad Road Train Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Displaced to Colorado
    Yes the $50 is cash every monday.

    As far as the license you become a citizen in AR for a short time (they supply you with address) and you do your training and get your permit then AR temp license. When you get your AR license made they will request your old license (they actually make their own at the DMV while you're there.
  11. streetdoc09

    streetdoc09 Bobtail Member

    Sep 10, 2010
    i had a short lived experience with trucking and ffe.i was with ffe for 4 miles no money broke down in atlanta which was where i lived at the time broke down and they would not pay the shop after several phone calls to break down and night dispatch neither of them realized i was even at the shop i left the truck at the petro on the west side of atlanta and called a ride home i hope all trucking companies arent this bad
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