My Swift Academy Journey. Will it be a swifty one or not?

Discussion in 'Swift' started by Six9GS, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    He's not been on since the 29th. So not around since the question was asked. Probably hear from him soon-ish.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
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  3. Aamcotrans

    Aamcotrans Road Train Member

    May 24, 2016
    Strasburg, Va
    FWIW, I won’t share a hotel room with a stranger either..
    They may get booted and decide to take my things. That, and I’m not a people person.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  4. midgetripples

    midgetripples Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2018
    I got one of those central trailers i just wrapped tape around the plug to give it a snug fit and kept moving
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  5. Six9GS

    Six9GS Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Yuma, AZ
    Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Just been doing other things than hanging out here. Yes, I'm still with Swift and still enjoying the adventure. And, I have had a few. It wouldn't be an adventure if everything went well!
    Anyway, Swift has pretty much moved to all Automatics. I trained in an automatic and drive one. However, due to a glitch that actually worked in my favor, I do not have the automatic only restriction, although others from my state do. Most of my life I have driven manual transmission cars. I know manuals in a semi is quite different, but I'm more used to shifting gears myself than letting the car do it. Some things I like about driving an automatic rig, some things I don't. But, it is what it is, I'm driving an automatic.
    Other than being gone on the road being harder on my SO and kids (teenagers), everything is working out OK. This COVID19 crap has me staying in my truck unless I have to get out, and then trying to minimize the number of times I have to get out and 'mingle' with people. Also loads are a tad more scarce and I've sat waiting for loads more than I used to. Actually, before the COVID19 stuff, I was really never sitting waiting to get a load. But, fortunately for me, I do not need to get as many miles as most do. I have a partial retirement income that offsets things a bit.
    I drive a truck that is governed at 65 mph, as is the norm with company trucks for Swift. Last week I broke my daily milage record and logged 657 miles in one day. I started the day in Iowa where I-29 meets with Iowa 2 and then Nebraska 2. That road cuts the corner at Omaha between I-29 and I-80 and saves about 50ish miles. Anyway, I started there heading West and made it to the Flying J in Rawlins Wyoming. My previous record was 646 miles while I was with my mentor in his Owner/Opertor (leased) truck that was governed at 68 mph.
    I was working on getting to Phoenix to get a few days hometime, but my truck glitched on me and after I finished that load, had to take it to the shop in Salt Lake City (West Valley specifically). Long story short, I ended up renting a car from there to go down to Yuma for hometime, my truck ended up at the local Volvo dealer for a week, so it all worked out pretty well. I just got back in my truck today and tomorrow morning I grab a load in Ogden and take it to Las Vegas and then already have a load to pick up in Vegas and bring back to Salt Lake City
    Lastly, my truckmhas a name now, thanks to my wonderful Grandniece. Her name is Petunia! I like it. So, Tigger (my nickname I was christened with at the Swift Academy) and Petunia! Yep works for me!!
  6. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Excellent update, man. You are boldly going where 'SO MANY WON'T' these days. KUDOS to you. Great company, esp NOW, shining bright!! , IMHO, and zzzzzttt the naysayers. I'm happy for ya~!


    ps: HELLLLLUVA COOL on the 'non E' restriction...~! ;)
    dwells40 and Six9GS Thank this.
  7. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    Oh how I wish the panic over this virus would end.
    Although, the lighter traffic on most of the roads is a nice thing.

    But personally, I won't do anything to avoid it - or do anything to prevent it.
    It is here, and we need to accept that.
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  8. Six9GS

    Six9GS Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Yuma, AZ
    Thanks Tomcat!
    I'm just grateful this forum was around to be able to learn about being a driver before I started. It helped me so much to have much more realistic expectations on what this thing was and was not. Also glad I fate took it's sweet time, as I had the idea about 5 years before I made the move itself. In that time I was able to much better assess both the profession and myself as to whether this would be a good fit for me. I figured this might work for me because:
    1. I love to drive. There is just something zen like to me about driving.
    2. I am quite comfortable being alone for long periods of time.
    3. I have patience and am flexible.
    Other things that helped:
    1. 20 years as a map maker, pretty good with understanding and figuring out routing and alternate routing.
    2. A mentality that likes puzzles and figuring things out.
    3. Detail oriented
    4. Love seeing the beautiful landscape of our country.

    Anyway, thanks for your words of encouragement. They are appreciated!
  9. midgetripples

    midgetripples Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2018
    I drive for swift aswell, they gave me a volvo and after 20k miles and a total time of 3 weeks in slc shop i requested a truck that was not a pos, last time was 4 days to fix a window that would not roll up and my bunk heater
  10. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Anytime, and all the time, man. Wish you all the best. Were 'i' starting now, I'd be in your class... Yessir. Carry on, do well.

  11. Six9GS

    Six9GS Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Yuma, AZ
    I think Volvos are kind of love them or hate them kind of thing. I have difficulty trying to describe why I am such a Volvo fan, I just am. One thing is, in the Swift fleet at least, they are one of the lighter trucks and since I drive reefer, which tends to be heavy, I usually don't have much trouble getting my weights legal. I've taken loads that others weren't able to because they were too heavy. One of the down sides is maintenance and repair. Everybody that works on trucks work on Freightliners, Kenworths, etc. But, not everybody works on Volvos. I had to backtrack 90 miles on one load to get it to a Volvo dealer for some work, if it had been a Freightliner, I could have gotten the repairs were I was. Had a few other such 'inconveniences'. But, for whatever reason, I Love my Volvo and hope to be able to always drive one.
    But, to each their own, not saying I they are the best or anything like that. They are just what I strongly prefer.
    G13Tomcat and Wasted Thyme Thank this.
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