My Swift Academy Journey. Will it be a swifty one or not?

Discussion in 'Swift' started by Six9GS, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. midgetripples

    midgetripples Light Load Member

    Sep 16, 2018
    If it wasnt an elctrical nightmare with a mentally retarded radar system i woukd have stayed in it, and the reason its light is cause of the 13l engine the rest of swift trucks have 15l engines
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  3. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Makes sense; glad things are all going well for you! I 'strongly' love my Mack, as well. To each their own.

    Not SAYING I don't miss my long nose hood (Pete) ... :( <<< ahh, fun times... but I'm totally happy with the performance of my Mack attack, lol ~!
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