My Swift Academy Journey. Will it be a swifty one or not?

Discussion in 'Swift' started by Six9GS, Aug 25, 2019.

  1. 3523

    3523 Light Load Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    Strong post. This is intriguing.
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  3. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    YA know..i'm in a foul mood tonight.. SO THE EF WHAT if the driver has compromised abilities with his 'out takes..' SO?? DOES THAT MAKE HIM LESS than a man, and/or driver?

    I think NOPE.
    Six9GS Thanks this.
  4. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    Six9, that backing stuff just boils down to finding a system, an explanation, that works with your own mind.

    You don't consider yourself one of the stupid people, and I agree with what I see in your posts.
    But we are all stupid when we fail to understand something.

    After nearly 9 years in this business, I still consider myself stupid in many ways.

    I really hope you post about your first experience in a cave.
    Swift seems to like sending fairly new drivers to that place, and I have been there twice. It is 'fun'.

    As for your 'thing' that is not normal...
    My thing is that I simply don't want to share my space and I like my privacy. I paid for half the room to be by myself as well.

    I wish you good fortune with your mentor.
    G13Tomcat and Six9GS Thank this.
  5. 3523

    3523 Light Load Member

    Oct 27, 2015
    Never said that...
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  6. Six9GS

    Six9GS Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Yuma, AZ
    Hey folks, keep your fingers crossed for me. The Swift terminal here in Phoenix is having a driver appreciation week event. It started today and they have a big tent set up in one of the parking lots with catered breakfast, lunch and dinner through Friday (They only had a lunch today, beginning tomorrow it will be all 3 meals). Additionally, numerous vendors have tables set up and they have 4 big screen TVs (Football is on today).
    Anyway, I went down there to check things out (and grab some free lunch) and had a chance encounter with a possible mentor. They were a mentor for several years, but haven't been for the last year or two. Sitting there talking about things we seemed to click together really well. After a couple of hours of unexpectedly conversation, we exchanged contact information and they said they will consider being my mentor and will think earnestly about it. I hope they decide they will. I really think they could teach me the things I'll need to learn and have some fun in the process. So, please keep your fingers crossed for me. Ragardless, looks like a have a contact and ally I can call when I need help, guidance and encouragement during my upcoming journey.
    Cat sdp, dwells40, D.Tibbitt and 2 others Thank this.
  7. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Still wishing you the best, man. We've ALL ALLL ALLLLLL been through some sort of indoctrination process starting out this profession (<<and Yes, I will STILL call it that, for it is for those of us who want it, believe it, and achieve it.) Fingers crossed and all that good stuff. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

    Sounds like we might have another 'pro' out here, eminently. Best wishes.

    D.Tibbitt and Six9GS Thank this.
  8. keebler13579

    keebler13579 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    Good luck and congrats on following through with this. Hopefully this winter doesnt discourage you too much
    G13Tomcat and Six9GS Thank this.
  9. Six9GS

    Six9GS Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Yuma, AZ
    I understand. I have lived in the North with the snow, sleet, slush, snow plows, etc.. I know it will quite different in a truck than a 4 wheeler, but I do already know the environment and have driven substantially in it. Lots to learn and I always figure that if others can do something, if I'm willing (and I am) to put in the time, effort and energy needed, I can too!
    G13Tomcat Thanks this.
  10. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    One MAIN thing to try to learn (or insist on learning) from your mentor, is PROPER BRAKING in winter. Different trucks, different stuffs, but 'proper braking' (and downshifting if you train in a manual) is 90% of the equation. Not trying to scare ya, becomes 2nd nature, but sure puts a lot in to the mix.

    Btw: Change your avatar back (or to something else, haha!) I keep thinking it's @RoadRooster when I skim, LoL~! ;) A lot of us 'old hands' around here, kinda know (of) people by their avies. Real cats is Dave, cartoon cat is Tuck, man on the bike is Pup, man I could go on and on ..LoL~! (Give you something to creative, haha!) Moosetek has had the same one; we know him by that...imho.
    (Or you could be an avatar stealer like some choose to do.. but just don't). Moosetek has had his for awhile, too~! Creative is good.... but... LoL~! ;) Killing Time (i miss him...) helped me pick mine from a BAND cover about 8 years ago, via my kids. Still like the quote....and the tritechadodecahedron, haha!

    ps: TIGGERS BOUNCE. You don't wanna, LoL~!
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2019
    RoadRooster and Six9GS Thank this.
  11. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    Years ago in a car I would seek out snow. Nothing would stop me, mainly because I knew I had the tires and skill to handle it.
    I would practice sliding around in different conditions, ranging from snow to ice to mud and gravel - in a car.

    Still, no chaining even then. If it was chains mandatory I didn't go.

    The truck is way different.
    Truck tires are not designed for snow conditions, at all.
    Neither are air brakes.
    The combination is a sure way to start sliding.

    And you can't add chains to your steer tires, and they have the least amount of traction in those conditions. Once you lose traction to the steers, you have zero control over where you go.
    Six9GS and G13Tomcat Thank this.
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