My take on CR England

Discussion in 'CR England' started by jemack1, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. landy77

    landy77 Light Load Member

    Sep 18, 2010
    Biloxi, Mississippi
    I am currently in driving school, while I am here I have been inquiring into every company I can find regardless if I have heard of them before. I ended up with about twenty companies that said they would hire me. I know if I had some time on the road or I was an O/O that number would probably jump to 300 companies.
    But from what I have seen if you know what you want you can decide if the company you are looking at offers that. I live in Mississippi and wanted a company that had a terminal close to where I live, had a decent benefits package, decent pay and will keep me rolling. I have narrowed down the companies down to a couple I am seriously looking at. But I think people complain because they get in with a company that does not offer what they are looking for. In all honesty I do not feel bad for people that do not at least write down what is important to them and see who fits.
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