Newbie FAQ

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by tjgosurf, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    Good morning Oldnewguy! Looks like we're birds of a feather. When you get a chance, why not post a quick note in the Welcome Wagon and tell us a little more about yourself so we can get to know you better. I realize some folks are reluctant to share to much, but tell us anything you're comfortable with. I've found that it helps the experienced drivers to know something about me when they respond to my wannabe questions. Best of luck! Don't be a stranger!
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  3. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    You will probably need a DOT medical card to get a permit . Most clinics give DOT physicals .
    But the permits are only good for the state they are issued in . You can't get a permit in one state then use it at a school in another .
  4. NewDirection10

    NewDirection10 Bobtail Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Orlando, Florida
    and I'm wondering how important my driving record is going to be to prospective employers. I had two speeding tickets and one ticket for an accident, all over a year old. Before that I hadn't had a ticket in almost 5 years. Also,I have NO experience driving trucks, so I plan on getting training for my CDL but want to hear opinions on schooling or getting the training through a company that hires me. Thank you for your time!:biggrin_25520:
    JustSonny Thanks this.
  5. JustSonny

    JustSonny Big Dummy

    Oct 22, 2009
    Troutman NC
    Welcome to the forum NewDirection! You might want to post this information in the "Questions from New Drivers" sub-forum. I'm a wannabe myself but from everything I've read here recently, you may be in for an uphill climb. Please don't take my word for it. Let some of the experienced drivers make some suggestions and recommendations. Best of luck to you!
  6. cjansen37

    cjansen37 Bobtail Member

    Dec 2, 2010
    edmonds WA.
    Trust me use the search function here, you will find most of the information you might be looking for. Have only been here for a week and has definately opened my eyes:biggrin_2556:
    I havent started school yet, but have already learned so much!

    Good Luck!
    MaireDVS1 and Roadrunnergal Thank this.
  7. silvertuna

    silvertuna Bobtail Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    I have a question from a newbie.....I am concerned for my protection parked at a rest area or breaking down on the road. I have a concealed weapons permiit but it is not recognized in every state. What recommendations do you have for excercising my 2nd Amendment right and packing along a handgun, hiding it out of site? I understand I have to tell a cop I have it if I get pulled over, or at a port if DHS says no guns, right? How would you handle all this? I would rather have a gun and not need it sleeping alone in my truck at night, then to need one and be screwed.
  8. Morphine

    Morphine Bobtail Member

    Jan 7, 2011
    North Georgia
    You haven't seen anything yet. It only gets worse. Driving is not for the faint of heart.
  9. Morphine

    Morphine Bobtail Member

    Jan 7, 2011
    North Georgia
    third time will not retype. check state laws, ports are bad, have had truck searched throughly.I have not personally been searched in past 3 years myself. hide gun really good b4 port. I am not saying in truck or not.

    State laws vary, check each one. spent over an hr typing out this post and lost it. so no more complete sentence or correct structure. RoadMedic and Notarps will say do not carry, don't listen. no fed. law against carry in CMV.

    It may be against company or shipper/receivers policy, but who cares. better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. They Won't know if you don't A) leave out to be seen, B) talk about it. Have lost at least 2 jobs due to talking about it. Carried through metal detectors ups FedEx while employed. no problems. thought I could trust people, but should not have. will not do again. only talk if other person part of gun culture, and even better displays carry permit. Then good chance person OK. wonder about those not carrying, but is their right. broken. no idea how long that way or why.
    glad to assist. sad to spend over hour and lose post. now type like robot speak. web site sucks when it does that. makes me think angry thoughts. not familiar 100% with all of the above listed sites

    pull into stop and close blinds. unless you know LE saw you enter, do not answer any knocks. roll up windows and lock doors. go into sleeper. anyone through door gets 2 to chest and 13 to head. (I think that is right?) quit shooting when out of ammo or head gone. LE will not know for a 100% fact if you still in truck. Will go away after while. ignore. LE not likely to break into truck unless serious problem.

    try and stay out of states not gun friendly, no break down there. try and plan trips to avoid staying in such states. pen gun flares good in case get stranded with no cell, heat/ac, CB out of range, dark scary place. comes in .45 caliber roughly and 12 gage. one plastic with string, other is pistol, 12 gage. have heard good defensive weapon, should be legal all states.

    easy to explain, see above. may be only chance at rescue. many dark scary roads in middle of nowhere. get drift?
    not usually slob, so pissed cant think straight. see if goes.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2011
  10. Chris3131

    Chris3131 Bobtail Member

    Jan 27, 2011
    Covington, La
    good post I have wondered about carrying a gun if I decide to do this for a living
  11. bandit67

    bandit67 Bobtail Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    st louis mo
    what is best for husband and wife teams, put everything in storage and get a po box or have mail sent to relatives house. what steps should be done for life on the road? any info would be a big help
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