Old dominion vs any other ltl

Discussion in 'Old Dominion' started by Texasturbo, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    So would you say the list is

    And is the 70k gross or net?
    And is it possible to make 100k with a ltl carrier?
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    @blairandgretchen can give you more details on Old Dominion.
    I think he was making over $100K, but he can give you the straight scoop on all that.
    Texasturbo Thanks this.
  4. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Bids are schedules. Typically 5 day work week. A lot of these drivers jump on these so they can have a schedule. Same time everyday same run. So they can plan their life’s and family times. If you don’t have a bid your Extraboard. Basically you can run anytime your available with hours. 7 days a week. No schedule but it’s wheres the money at. Varies company to company.
    Texasturbo Thanks this.
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    I ran extra-board for a few years with YRC and was the top paid driver, even though I wasn't anywhere near the top in seniority. I refused to take a bid run, because the money was on extra-board.
    Every time the company put up the list to bid on runs, I'd refuse to choose one. The other drivers would be agitated and try to pressure me and ask me why I wouldn't bid. I always told them, "I can't afford the pay cut."
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2019
  6. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    So if I want to stay busy and make the most money stay on the extra board? And being on the extra board is it guaranteed work? Also with would the days be 10 hour days to 7 days a week to and then just recap hours?
  7. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Yup, Extraboard wheres the money at. you can work 6 days run 3000+ miles. It’s over 100k+ a year. Well out west. More distance out here. Might be different on the east coast.
  8. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Yeah the only thing Extraboard it’s not guaranteed. Depends on company. I’ve been hearing OD tends to overhire as of lately cause everyone wants to work there. Which is good and bad.
    Chinatown and Texasturbo Thank this.
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    The work isn't guaranteed; that's why most drivers are scared of it. Nothing to be scared of though from my experience. To me, it's much better that the same old routine every day. You're grabbing extra runs that become available, plus grabbing those high paying runs when drivers on bid runs call in sick or take the wife to the doctor or take a vacation, etc. I was making probably $10K or a little more a year than the drivers on those coveted bid runs. That's why they'd get agitated and grumpy because I refused to bid on runs.
    dennisroc and Texasturbo Thank this.
  10. Texasturbo

    Texasturbo Bobtail Member

    Apr 16, 2019
    Its definitely something of a learning curve. I just want a steady income, unlike otr where its inconsistent paychecks. Also being on the extra board as a linehaul would you also be home everyday. I want to work but also want to come home to my own bed and shower
    GhentSaintPeters Thanks this.
  11. Radman

    Radman Road Train Member

    Apr 18, 2011
    Talk to driver out of that terminal. Senior guys are generally out of touch with what the bottom guys are doing. Cause they haven’t seen the bottom board in 15-20 years. Talk to both sides senior, middle, and bottom guys.
    speedyk, Chinatown and Texasturbo Thank this.
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