Personal dispatch services

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by Roadrunner26, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. trees

    trees Road Train Member

    Jun 29, 2010
    I couldn't agree more. "Dispatchers" have zero skin in the game, they'll spend more time trying to convince the driver to take the load than they will trying to get a broker to pay more. Why? Cause the broker is the one in the three way relationship who is "strong", the broker holds the load, the broker knows the dispatcher wants the load, cause the dispatcher wants to book it, regardless of cost, because the dispatcher doesn't have any real operating cost.....and the broker knows this....all those two have to do is get the dumb ### driver to accept the rate.....

    O/O's understand this, "professional dispatchers" are just working you. You'll know this, cause they'll be saying stuff like, "That's the best we're going to get, it's a tough area right now....but, we'll probably be able to get a good rate over here, and this load will get you there"

    You've already seen professional dispatchers here posting these comments, "You'll never get that rate, nobody pays that..."

    That's the broker talking through his ventriloquist dummy.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
    truckindan and rockyroad74 Thank this.
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  3. Kuzyk

    Kuzyk Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2013
    Roselle Park, NJ
    Everything depends on dispatcher and how many trucks he/she needs to load. If I have one my truck and two O/Os, I can spend some time to find a good load. I also always keep in mind that price is negotiable, and broker keeps $100 for these negotiations( dispatchers problem, how to get those 100 buks). Also trying to avoid Toll roads, because sometimes O/O will pay $200 on tolls from the load rate. Trying to get minimum deadmiles. In other words, broker is the boss...and sometimes dispatchers really have no choice ,but to take a particular load at particular price. Or O/O can sleep in the truck, hoping that tomorrow on the board will be something better at better price.
  4. RedForeman

    RedForeman Momentum Conservationist

    Jan 30, 2011
    This. Nobody looks after your money like you do. Also, you are the face of your business. That also is something that you probably don't want to hire out. There's a reason even the guys that have grown large enough to drive a desk are out in front of their customers more than anything else.
  5. rockyroad74

    rockyroad74 Heavy Load Member

    Many of the best rates are in the areas with tolls. But, some have cheap routes around, just a bit more time driving. Some don't, so using the ezpass gets a lower toll rate. You've got to know what the tolls will cost, and if you go around them, know how many more miles it costs.

    Many drivers just won't even consider running these areas. But, you can learn these areas, and capitalize on it.
  6. Maj

    Maj Bobtail Member

    Feb 26, 2016
  7. Maj

    Maj Bobtail Member

    Feb 26, 2016
  8. Maj

    Maj Bobtail Member

    Feb 26, 2016
    How can we contact him. We are inested to see how it goes. But with in Ontario Canada.
  9. truckindan

    truckindan Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    I do personal dispatch for owner operators...same as this guy but I give the option of $10 plus commission per load or $25 per load. For invoicing and payment followup it is only $8
  10. truckindan

    truckindan Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    I handle Canada to US and US to Canada loads. To be honest, I don't get much from QC. Mine are all in and out of ON and NB. If you go with someone like this make sure they ARE NOT charging you to fax your manifest paperwork in. This is where most guys get ripped off doing cross border
  11. truckindan

    truckindan Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    *** correction $10 plus 1% commission or $25 but once he picks way to pay I don't like to switch
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