Questions list For new drivers.

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by trucking for family, Jan 27, 2019.

  1. Samu3lwr3nn

    Samu3lwr3nn Bobtail Member

    Nov 7, 2023
    I was offered a job hauling chicken feed to farms in candor north carolina. auger trailer Night shift 12 hours they said the pay was $20 an hour .47 cents a mile and $25 a stop with minimum average of 4 stops and I guess because I'm new to the field I'm not sure how to work out my pay exactly. Like would I make 20 an hour plus the .47 cents and stops or am I getting paid hourly when I'm stopped? Anyone with the patience to explain this to me?
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  3. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Heavy Load Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    I jus t wanted to introduce myself , hi . I am as my name suggests, broke down .l'm looking for a job that does not require me to burn my clothes on a regular basis
  4. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Heavy Load Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    I hope im posting in the right place , no cdl yet . Tcat , has cdl classes starting up in march , in shelbyville Tn .
  5. Him8282

    Him8282 Bobtail Member

    Jun 22, 2020
    ??? What do you mean burn your clothes on a regular basis?
  6. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Heavy Load Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    Because youre going to get funky , grease , waste , ole red clay ground into your clothes rips sewing up knees and crotch until it looks ridiculous. You go thru alot of clothes . Bib overalls only protect from cold , plastic on some occasions . Knock out 70yr old cast iron drains on a repipe then drag'em out of crawlspace or floor joists from upstairs . I could go on .
  7. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Western Express has a decent flatbed division and hires new cdl school grads.
  8. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Heavy Load Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    Thanks China but i sure hope i can do better than Western after the things ive read . I ll take what i can get though, not looking the gift horse in the mouth and such .
  9. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    You'll probably have plenty of choices. Western is a good backup plan. Not as bad as people say. @bryan21384 can verify that.
    Do you live in Shelbyville? Bryan and I both from Tennessee.
  10. broke down plumber

    broke down plumber Heavy Load Member

    Jan 25, 2024
    Marshall county , nxt county to west
  11. bryan21384

    bryan21384 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2009
    Memphis, TN
    Its not bad at all. I enjoyed my time at Western running flatbed. I got to see the whole country with a quickness. Pay 0 attention to reviews. Trucking is all about what you put into it. If you keep your head down, run the miles, do what's asked of you, and learn to adapt to the company's way of doing things, then you won't have a bad experience at any company. I ran some miles there. Never sat for longer than a few minutes with them. There a bunch of options for us Tennesseans though. I like the attitude of taking what you can get. Many people will come on here with questions about every single company......gotta admit that gets aggravating. The time they spend looking for info on every company, they could be out here making money and gaining experience.
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