Saw my first robot cleaning a bathroom

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by CargoWahgo, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. Bonita Nut

    Bonita Nut Light Load Member

    Aug 21, 2023
    Are there any articles or videos explaining these self-driving trucks?
    What are some helpful articles to explain this new technology (if any)?
    Thank you.
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  3. 4wayflashers

    4wayflashers Heavy Load Member

    Mar 14, 2014
    I listened to a podcast recently interviewing the creator of open AI. He said it has gone the opposite direction he thought when they started the company. he thought it would first do driving and manual labor jobs. Those have been the most problematic for AI and robots even though they’ve dumped billions into it.

    What AI is rapidly improving on is the creative type jobs like writing and drawing which he said he thought would be some of the last careers to go if you asked him 10 years ago.

    There was a blind experiment recently asking doctors and AI to answer medical questions. The group of reviewers picked AI answers 70% of the time as the best answer. And 90% picked AI answers as showing more concern for the patients overall wellbeing.

    That shows us the careers that require an extremely good memory are going to be next on the AI chopping block. Doctors and lawyers both require good memory.

    Truth is “AI” has been taking jobs for decades. I remember when I opened my first bank account and they installed an atm a few months later. For a while id still go to the teller but that quickly became ‘wow thats a long line’ let me try this atm machine thing.

    They have technology to talk to AI that you wont even know its a machine.

    That said it’s all probably a bit of hype at how soon this will all take over. YouTubers get clicks by saying it’s impending doom but the experts, when speaking frankly, have a more long term view of how it will play out and theyll admit they aren’t sure where it will lead. Most likely scenario, for the time being, is it will allow workers to get much better at their current jobs.
  4. snowlauncher

    snowlauncher Road Train Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Southeastern ID
    I'm looking forward to the day when we have AI politicians who actually serve the best interests of the people and do something, instead of sitting on their duff's in DC trying to figure out how they can make more $ and gain more power.
    Bonita Nut Thanks this.
  5. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    Yes, hundreds. Just Google self-driving trucks or enter self-driving trucks in the search bar at YouTube. Self-driving trucks ARE NOT a real possibility any time soon. They are a high-tech fantasy that is being pushed by tech companies, their investors, and clueless "reporters" that have zero context by which to spot the bogus claims they are being told. The less people know about actual moving of freight by trucks the more those same people see self-driving trucks as replacing most truck drivers in the next 1-5 years. 50 years of trying to automate airliners have only resulted in reducing the number of pilots in an airliner from 3 to 2. Operating a truck in traffic and in cities is a much much more difficult and unpredictable environment than flying airliners miles from the nearest other airliner.
    Bonita Nut Thanks this.
  6. Bonita Nut

    Bonita Nut Light Load Member

    Aug 21, 2023
    Thank you.
    tscottme Thanks this.
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